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07/03/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/03/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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160 <br />July 3, 1973 <br />There was discusssion on the interpretation of "homestead ", "Domicile" <br />and "resident." Mr. Locher made a point that there is no definition <br />of "residency" in the Ordinance. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked when Mr. Thayer would like to re -open the Blue Heron. <br />Mr. Thayer said Friday or Saturday. He would like to finish the cleaning <br />and remodeling. His overhead is continuing and it's costing money to <br />stay closed. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked when the decision that sleeping in the Village three <br />nights a week had been established. Mr. Locher said this had been voted <br />on last year to the best of his memory. <br />Mr. Rosenbower said that Mr. Thayer would comply with the previous <br />requirements the same as before -that nothing had changed. But he felt <br />that Mr. Thayer should not be requi red to do one thing and someone else <br />not be required to do the same thing. He felt that all applicants should <br />meet the same requirements. The Council agreed to this. <br />Mr. Zelinka said since this had been an approved license, he would <br />move to conditionally accept this application contingent on approval <br />of the full Council at the next regular Council meeting. Seconded by <br />Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that if action was taken on this motion and passed <br />then it could be challenged at the regular Council meeting. If denied at <br />that meeting, then there could be no problems. <br />On the roll call vote; Mr. Cardinal- Absent; Mr. Jaworski- Abstained; <br />Mr. Marier- absent; Mr. Zelinka -No; Mr. Bohjanen -yes. Motion failed. <br />Mr. Jaworski explained he astained because that until the State Law is clar- <br />ified that the Council could not take legal action at a meeting called <br />on such short notice and not published. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said he had called the meeting so the owners of the property <br />could be heard and possibly get their licenses on time. <br />Mr. Zelinka said there had been two meetings to consider these app- <br />lications. One regular meeting and one special. <br />Mr. Rosenbower explained that Mr. Larson had just walked out this last week <br />and Mr. Thayer had not had time to get everything in order. <br />Mr. Jaworski suggested that Mr. Thayer present the Council—with a sworn <br />affadivate that he is a resident of Lino Lakes. <br />The matter of the license will be put on Monday's agenda. Mr. Zelinka <br />moved to adjourn at 8:35 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Aye, with Mr. <br />Jaworski abstaining. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting on July 9, 1973 . <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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