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07/09/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/09/1973 Council Minutes
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12/16/2014 1:15:36 PM
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />July 9, 1973 <br />Mr. Zelinka- "Also get some cost figures on the stitellites." <br />Mr. Bohjanen - "I would suggest that your assoc. get together again with <br />the park board and bring it up again at the next meeting." <br />Mr. Cardinal - "I will not be able to be at the next park board meeting - <br />the chairman will not be there either." <br />Mr. Marier - "One of us can go in your place." <br />Mr. Bohjanen - "Could you move it to another date." <br />Mr. Cardinal - "Will check it out, maybe we can do it the end of this week." <br />Leroy Houle from the audience stated he had checked with Wheeler Lbr. <br />& Bridge Co. full size of the rink would run about $2,500.00 for material <br />only. These were 2 x 10's- figured at 12' lengths. <br />Mr. Marier - "How many posts do you need ?" <br />Mr. Houle - "I don't remember:" <br />Mr. Cardinal - "The park board will look at your overall plan submitted and <br />make a recommendation to the council." <br />Audience - "We already met with them." <br />Mr. Cardinal - "We still have to go over your plan -where you plan to have <br />each function and that plan was submitted after we had the last meeting." <br />Mr. Cardinal - "The rest of the park board members should see your plan <br />and make a recommendation to the council the clerk has your plan." <br />Mr. Thies - "Can the clerk send the plan to the park board." <br />Mr. Cardinal - "I suppose so, unless they want to come in individually <br />and look it over here. I will contact the members and find out if we <br />can meet before the next meeting was scheduled." <br />Mr. Bohjanen - "Review the plan at your meeting and then bring it up to us." <br />Mr. Marier - "Why don't you submit your entire plan with all your ideas <br />to the park board and do it by letter ?" <br />Audience - "Could we use the lavatories in the buildings and have them <br />kept open ?" <br />Mr. Bohjanen - "This should also be part of your presentation to the park <br />board." <br />Mr. Cardinal - "They have not seen your plan and we will also need some <br />figures. We cannot put in a blanket request -we need to know how much and <br />where. Put this all in one package, whatever you are asking for, and review <br />the whdle thing so it can be passed on to the Council." <br />
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