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07/31/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/31/1973 Council Minutes
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180 <br />July 31, 1973 <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that this special meeting had been called for the purpose <br />of discussing the extension of mains and laterals within the Vi Ilage after <br />the interceptor has been constructed. Mr. Bohjanen also reported that from all <br />indications the Metro Sewer Board would go the route recommended by Mr. Carley <br />and Mr. Gotwlad for a full gravity system and along the route they had suggested. <br />Mr. Carley said that Mr. Bohjanen had made the position of the Village quite <br />clear at the NSSSB meeting in Fridley. He felt that we must have this inter- <br />ceptor and that the comprehensive plan submitted by the Village Engineers was <br />the one that would serve best for this area. <br />Mr. Carley explained that in order to get this project off the ground, <br />the Village must order a feasibility study for the area to be added to <br />the system and then hold public hearings in order for the people to be <br />heard. At the present time Shenandoah is set to go, Country Lake wi 11 <br />hook in and the area to be considered as recommended by the Engineers, <br />is from the Westerly edge of the Village along County Road "J" to Highway <br />#49, then North on Highway #49 to Birch Street, then along the Southeast <br />edge of Baldwin Lake to the Westerly edge of the Village. Mr. Carley also <br />felt that the PCA would order the Baldwin Lake Trai ler Court to hook into <br />the interceptor. <br />There was discussion on the possibi 11ty of parts of this area being deleted <br />as being unfeasible to service at the present time. Mr. Carley said parts <br />can be eliminated at a public hearing, but you cannot add to the area. <br />Mr. Carley said the first step is to order the feasibi lity study, check <br />it, accept the report and set a date for public hearings. Mr. Carley <br />had hoped that the Council would order the report at this meeting. It <br />will take a couple of weeks to get the report ready. <br />The Council questioned the cost of such a study. <br />Mr. Carley said the cost of the study works out to about 1.1% of the total <br />cost of the project. This amount is payable as the project progresses and <br />ultimately becomes part of the total Engineering fee. This fee is part of <br />the overall cost and is figured into the total assessments. Mr. Carley <br />said that Centervi I le had ordered their study and hope to set hearings <br />for the first week in September. He would l i ke to present this as a joint <br />effort between Centervi Ile and Lino Lakes. Mr. Carley felt this would <br />make a greater impact on the Metro Sewer Board. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said that this was the impression that he had gotten -that <br />the Metro Sewer Board is looking for a joint effort on the part of the two <br />Villages. <br />Mr. Carley felt the best way to handle something like this was to have a <br />joint Council meeting -For the purpose of duscussing this project and then <br />each Council to pass a joint resolution for presentation to the Metro Sewer <br />Board. This would be done after the hearings. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked about servicing the area around Acton and the inter- <br />section of the Freeway and County Road 14. Mr. Carley explained the plans <br />of Centervi I le for construction in that direction and felt there could be <br />some definite action in that area by Spring. <br />There was discussion on the area indicated by the Engineers as to be the <br />
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