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09/24/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/24/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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200 <br />Sept. 24, 1973 <br />Mr. Ma.ri,er reported there were no recommendation from the P & Z to pass <br />on to the Council. There had been two parties present but only for <br />information. <br />There are four items that the P &Z would l i ke a report on: <br />1) The Polaris TX sign 2 mile east of Sunset on Main Street. Also <br />there is a building there on agricultural property but is a commercial <br />enterprise and has not gone through the P &Z. <br />2) Molin Concrete had not completed their screening. The P &Z felt <br />that now is a good time for planting trees and this screening should <br />be completed. <br />3) There was a question as to whether Glenn Rehbein had a building <br />permit for the extension to the west of his storage building. <br />4) Also, there was a question of the building being erected at <br />Forjay, do they have a permit. <br />5) The P &Z wondered about the progress in Shenandoah and Country <br />Lake. There are 29 homes in Country Lake and 13 in Shenandoah. <br />The P &Z would I i ke a report on these subjects. Mr. Marier suggested <br />that the Building Inspector check these items out and report to the <br />Council at the Oct. 9, 1973 meeting. The Clerk is to contact him with <br />this request. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported on the Park Board meeting. He had been unable to <br />attend but had sent his suggestions to the Board. They are working on <br />a Park Board budget and will have the complete figures at a later date. <br />Mr. Kent had located a trailer 8X20, that can be rented from Dec. 15 <br />thru Mar. 15 for $70.00 per month. This would be a temporary measure to <br />be used at the Hall property. Mr. Jaworski asked who would be responsible <br />for damage to the trailer. Mr. Locher was of the opinion that the Village <br />would be liable for any damage to the unit. <br />Mr. Jaworski then suggested that in order to avoid damage and destruction <br />to the unit, that someone would have to be in the trailer at all times <br />during the period it was in use. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to rent the unit with Electric heat with the <br />stipulation that the Park Board arrange for supervision from 5:30 P.M. <br />till 9:00 P.M., 7 days a week at no cost to the Village. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. <br />Mr. Marier moved to amend the motion by adding "that the Park Board <br />submit to the Council a schedule as to who would be on duty at what times <br />and what days." Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked for a vote on the original motion. Motion carried <br />unaminously. <br />Park Board talked about a beautification plan for the pond in front of the <br />Ha l l . Mr. Cardinal w i l l get their ideas at the next Board meeting. The Park <br />Board asked that the plans for the Hockey Rink at the Hall property be <br />deferred until the Lino Park is completed. <br />Mr. Jaworski was concerned over getting a warming house for Lino Park. He <br />thought that if the materials were purchased by the Village, the Lions <br />Club would do the construction. Mr. Bohjanen asked about the cost. Mr. <br />Jaworski said for a block building 24X24 he thought it would cost app- <br />roximately $2,500.00. What he wanted to know was if he proposed this to the <br />Lions, Club and the cost isn't out of sight, would the Council go along with <br />
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