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02/13/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/13/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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250 <br />February 13, 1974 <br />The Lino Lakes Special Council Meeting on February 13, 1974 at 8:05 p.m. was called <br />to order by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present; Marier, McLean and Jaworski. <br />Absent; Mr. Zelinka. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />The Deputy Clerk reported that she had called Robert Burman in reference to the <br />Open Space meeting scheduled Feb. 27, 1974. She had been told the meeting was <br />candled because of unavoidable absense of two of the Commissioners. <br />The rescheduling of the meeting would be March 4, 5, or 6, 1974 depending on the <br />Councils choice. <br />Mr. Marier objected to phone calls in situations such as this. He felt that this <br />sort of information should be in letter form. <br />After discussion the Council decided on the date of March 6, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. <br />for the meeting. <br />Mr. Marier dictated the following letter to the Anoka County Commissioners. <br />Seeing that you "Again" were unable to meet on February 27, 1974 with the <br />Lino Lakes Council, to discuss the Open Space Proposal Boundroes pr as you refer <br />to the Chain of Lakes Property, Park and Recreation. <br />The Lino Lakes Council will meet with you on March 6, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the <br />Anoka County Commissioner's Office. <br />This should be a firm date as stated in this letter. We fully expect this date <br />to be firm. <br />This Council meeting was held to discuss the forth coming Land Condemnation Case <br />that will be held in Anoka County Court House, March 1, 1974. <br />These lands are part of the Open Space Proposal of Anoka County Park Board as <br />shown in Exhibit A. Parts of these lands are not included in Exhibit A of the City <br />of Lino Lakes. <br />The Council felt that in order to meet with the Commissioners on solid ground it <br />was necessary to finalize the boundries of Exhibit A, that the City would present <br />to the County. <br />Since the County has the power of Condemnation with out permission of the City <br />Council they felt that it was important that the County know exactly what the <br />Council stand on the boundries would be whether or not it has any effect remains <br />to be seen. <br />Mr. Marier moved to pass the following Resolution. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />The City does stress that it does take a passive position as to the proposed <br />County taking -- ie. if the County does go ahead to take all of the lands they <br />have proposed to take for the park, the City does not consent or back the County <br />action, but due to the provisions of Chapter 209, Laws, 1961, the City will not <br />actievely oppose the County -- if the County otherwise agrees to the City Resolution. <br />The only issues to be discussed at the March 6, 1974 meeting will be the <br />
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