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05/24/1971 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/24/1971 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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5/24/71 <br />pointed out that this is only Phase 1 of the interceptor, that Phase 2 is <br />the interceptor to. Centerville where, it is badly needed. Mr. Hamblin has <br />testified that St. Paul takes 1/3 of its water supply from Centerville Lake <br />which is poluted. Mr. Locher noted that Mr. Jaworski had been there also as well <br />as representatives from Jan*ric. No definite date for the next hearing has been <br />set. <br />Mr Jaworski moved to continue this meeting indefinitely until after the Metro <br />Council has met on the interceptor at which time we can set a date to discuss <br />the matter further. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren, Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize the Engineer and the Fiscal Agent to attend <br />the continued hearing to discuss the financipl aspect of the interceptor, etc. <br />Seconded by Mr..Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to adjorn the special meeting at 8:15 P.M. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of June 14, 1971 <br />/s/ Shelly Brisson <br />Deputy —Clerk <br />6/14/71 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on June 14, 1971, <br />was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Acting Mayor Jaworski in the absence of <br />Mayor L'Allier who was out of town. Also present were Trustees Cardinal, <br />Rosengren, and Bohjanen, as well as Engineer Gotwald and Attorney Locher. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to accept the minutes of the special meeting held on May 24, <br />1971 as written. Seconded by Mr, Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported that she had received the affidavits of publication for the <br />notice of hearings on the zoning code, the ad for Assistant Constable wanted, and <br />for the publication of Ordinance #43A. The Clerk read a note from James M. Ray <br />which stated that the policy-premiums listed in his bid of April 22nd are annual <br />amounts. Letters were received from Superamerica and )Mobil Oil Corp. which <br />stated that they were unable to provide cover sheets with. their billings because <br />of computer billing or volume purchase under 100,000 ga1lona per year. <br />The Clerk reported that the amount of gdsoline used in 1970 was 6,384.7 gallons <br />at a cost of $2,264.15. Municipal court fines in the amount of $180.00 had been <br />received for May. The Clerk, in consultation with the Mayor and the County <br />Assessor, had had the date of the Board of Review changed to June 22nd at 8 p.m. <br />The Clerk stated that Mr, Dupre had inspected all existing freeway signs, and had <br />noted that Sign No. 17 should be rebuilt since it has been braced up and doesn't <br />look good. This Skelly sign is on the Caron property and _had been put upprior <br />to adoption of Ord. No 51, Following discussion, Mr. Bohjanen moved that the <br />Clerk write to the sign company instructing them to bring the £ign up to the <br />specifications of the sign code. Seconded by Mr. Jaworsl4. Carried, <br />The Clerk reported that applications for the position of Assistant Constable had <br />been received from the following: David Quesnel, Stan Erzar, Gerald Johnson and <br />Gerald Koza, Mr. Myhre stated that he had only been able to interview one of the <br />applicants, that this person was certified by the State, and that he would like to <br />
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