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07/29/1971 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
07/29/1971 Council Minutes
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61. <br />7/29/71 <br />The special meeting of the Village Council of Lino Lakes held on July 29, 1971 <br />was called to order at 8:40 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier. Other members present <br />were Messrs. Cardinal, Jaworski, Rosengren, and Bohjanen. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that the special meeting was called to discuss the place- <br />ment of an advertisment for a full -time male employee. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated he felt Roy Baeklin should be hired full time for now. <br />Then, since he is now 62 years old, we will have the next three years before <br />his retirement to break in someone else. There was general discussion as to <br />the fact that we need a man now for roads. Later we will need someone in a <br />more supervisory position; someone who can then handle sewer and water problems <br />too. Mr. Cardinal said right now we need a utilities and maintenance man. <br />Later the title and position can be changed. There is room for growth. <br />It was decided that the first line of the advertisement should read: <br />Wanted - utilities and. Maintenance Man_ It was further decided that <br />no age limit was to be designated. <br />There was some question as to whether the ad should limit the applicants to <br />those within the village. It was felt that if the advertisement indicated <br />the applicant must be familiar with the village road system that would be <br />sufficient. Since the Council Members have the last say-so on the hiring, they <br />felt it need not be specified. <br />It was further decided that the advertisement should indicate the man must be <br />familiar with the village road system. He would be expected to direct road <br />repairs and maintenance and keen records. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to place the advertisement. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. The <br />vote was taken as follows: Mr. L'Allier, Aye; Mr. Jaworski, Aye; Mr. Cardinal, Aye; <br />Mr. Bohjanen, Aye; Mr. Rosengren, No. Carried. <br />It was further decided that is should be stated implications will be received <br />until August 3lst, with tenative starting date October lst. There was dis- <br />cussion as to the salary range, and it was decided that it be stated: starting <br />Salary $75Q/nios_ plus fringe benefits. According to Ordinances No. 43A it is <br />also necessary for a prospective applicant to have a Physical evaminatinn. <br />Also a Yinnanpta rdrivere ;license and chaufedfs license. The later two should <br />be stated in the advertisement as requirements. <br />It was suggested that the Clerk be acquainted with Ordinances No. 43A referring <br />to qualifications and benefits available, so any applicants inquiring could <br />be so informed. <br />A motion was made to include all above items in the advertisement. The vote <br />was taken as follows: Mr. L'Allier, Aye; Mr. Jaworski, Aye; Mr. Cardinal, Aye; <br />Mr. Bohjanen, Aye; Mr. Rosengren, No. Carried. <br />The advertisement is to be put in the three local papers. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 9:34 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion <br />carried. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of August 23, 1971. <br />Deputy -Clerk <br />
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