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08/16/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/16/1971 Council Minutes
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8/16/71 <br />Circle Pines had a franchise to serve the entire village but when the franchise <br />was given to North Central there were lines laid out to designate the portion <br />of the village each would serve. That it was also necessary to get proper <br />authorization for main line extensions. Circle Pines' lines cross North Centrals' <br />main line. Also, if allowed to stand as is it will set a precedent. North <br />Central will sell gas to Molin on one of two basis (1) firm gas with no <br />interrupted service; or (2) set up propane tanks on property for interruptable <br />service. These storage tanks and the propane would be the property of North <br />Central. Also, North Central would agree to buy the lines already installed <br />from Circle Pines at a reasonable rate. <br />67 <br />Jerry Pehl from the Circle Pines utilities explained there was no reply to the <br />request for a non exclusive contract because the utilities has already sold <br />bonds and felt that it would be a violation of their intent. He also stated <br />that the Lino Lakes Gas is no bonanza and that the business of the Molin Plant <br />is needed by both parties. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. O'Brien about the equipment used to store the propane; <br />Mr. O'Brien replied that the equipment would be the property of North Central <br />and that there would be no charge to Molin. Mr. Cardinal also asked if there <br />would be a shut down when switching from one gas to the other. He was told <br />there would be no shut down and there would be no effect on service. Mr. <br />L'Allier asked about the difference between natural and propane gas. Mr. <br />O'Brien replied that propane is about 2 1/2 time hotter than natural gas. <br />Mr. Molin stated that they had an interruptiable oil service at their present <br />location and had lost a lot of work hours because the system did not function <br />so as to give them continous service. So they are understandably gun -shy of an <br />interruptiable system. <br />Mr. Joe Davis asked Mr. O'Brien if North Central would offer Molin firm <br />natural gas. Mr. O'Brien said "Yes ". Mr. Davis pointed out that there were <br />three men in the audience from Blaine, which is also served by North Central, <br />who wish a firm gas contract from North Central and have been told that it is <br />unavailable; and could he explain how Molin could be given such an offer and <br />the people from Blaine could not. Mr. O'Brien said he had no answer, that he <br />didn't know. Mr. O'Brien stated that in the Franchise the requirement to have <br />prior approval for additions of extensions is clearly stated. <br />Mr. Dannheim stated that he had no knowledge that it was necessary to have <br />approval to extend to one customer; that they had never asked for approval to <br />extend a service line to serve one customer. Parts of the Ordinance were read <br />and Mr. Dannheim interpreted it to mean that they must have approval of any- <br />thing that is put underground. Mr L'Allier replied, "yes ", except from the <br />street to the house which would be considered a hook -up. <br />Mr. Bohjanen read the part of Ordinance 49 which states that no lines shall be <br />put in village streets without prior approval of the Council. <br />Mr. Jaworski wanted to know that if Circle Pines is allowed to stay at the <br />Molin plant will it set a precedent. Mr. Locher replied that they would issue <br />a waiver or a variance and would be allowed only because of a misunderstanding. <br />Mr. Rosengren asked about the firm gas offer. He was told that Molin had a firm <br />gas offer from Circle Pines and not one from North Central and that was the <br />reason they signed a contract with Circle Pines. Mr. L'Allier wanted to know <br />who the engineers were. Mr. Molin said it was either Mr. Sullivan or Mr. <br />Sebesta. Mr. L'Allier asked if they were told of the franchise. Mr. Molin <br />replied that no franchise was mentioned and the contract was brought to Mr. <br />
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