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10/26/71 <br />113 <br />accepts the plastic we might as well, too. Mr. Locher noted too that in light <br />of the Attorney General's opinion he could not advise the Council to prosee'7t' <br />someone uses the plastic pipe. There was discussion o,n what happens if <br />such pipe is red - tagged. Mr. L'.Al7i_er aaked,Ns. Locher to check with St. Paul <br />and to send a letter on his findings to the Clerk with copies to the Council <br />and P&Z members. Clyde will wait until the November 8th meeting to, see how <br />this comes out. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to pay the bills as audited. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 9:44 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of November 8, 1971, <br />Clerk - Treasurer <br />10/27/71 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order by <br />Mr. L'Allier, at 8 :10 P.M., on October 27, 1971. Those present were Mr. <br />L'Allier, Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Bohjanen, Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Rosengren, Mr. Locher, <br />Mr. Gotwald and Tom Strand a representative from Springsted, Inc. The <br />meeting was called for the purpose of opening bids for sale of $550,000 bonds <br />to be used in the Chomonix project for sewer and water. <br />The first bid was from Piper, Jaffrey & Hopwood, Inc. Enclosed was a certi- <br />fied check for a good faith deposit. The net interest cost was $68,585 with <br />net effective rate of 4.1567. <br />The second bid was from the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis. The <br />net interest cost was $62,480, with net effective rate of 3.78666. <br />The third bid was from the First National Bank of St. Paul. Enclosed was a <br />check for a good faith deposit. The net interest cost was $63,322.50 with net <br />effective rate of 3.8316. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adopt a resolution. to sell the bonds to the Northwestern <br />National Bank, Minneapolis, using the format as recommended by the attorney. <br />A copy of which is attached hereto. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Strand advised that it takes approximately five weeks to get the money, <br />but the money is assured so the village can go ahead and sign the contracts. <br />Mr. Locher advised that there are state laws as to where these monies can be <br />deposited. It is adviseable to put them in a State or National Bank, Govern- <br />ment Securities, or use it to purchase other municipal bonds, but it cannot <br />be deposited in a savings and loan. Mr. Gotwald stated he would be able to <br />ascertain during the next week just what the first payment would amount to. <br />It was advised that during this five week period the village would receive <br />interest on this money at the rate of 3.78666. There was discussion as to <br />finding out where we can get the best interest, and the fact that we would <br />want to transfer it immediately upon receipt. <br />Mr. Locher advised of the receipt of Printer's Affidavits of Publication in <br />the,Commercial West, October 9, 1971, and the Forest Lake Times, October 7, <br />1971. They are filed with the Clerk. <br />