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05/01/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/01/1972 Council Minutes
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4 <br />4/10/72 <br />and Mr. Marier discussed the bills from Springsted and Loosen Plumbing & Heating. <br />Mr. Marier moved to hod bills #4446 and #4453 for audit, to hold bills #4447 <br />through #4452 for requisition slips and purchase orders, and to pay bills <br />#4427 through #4445 and #4454. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. John McLean asked <br />if we would lose a prompt - payment discount by holding these checks; Council <br />didn't feel we would. Mr. Marier and Mr. Gotwald discussed what the audit on <br />#4446 would entail. <br />Vote on the motion was unanimously in favor. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 11:50 P.M. Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. Aye <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of April 24, 1972 <br />re k- Treasure r <br />April 24 minutes start on Page #246- Omitted here by mistake, May 1, 1972 <br />........... <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order by <br />Mr. Bohjanen at 7:55 P.M., May 1, 1972. All members were present. <br />The purpose th this meeting was to discuss whether or not to purchase the <br />Centerville police car. Centerville Council advised that they wanted action <br />taken on this before May 3rd. Mr. Cardinal moved to waive the traditional five <br />day notice. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Police Chief Myhre advised the Council that the Ford is in much better shape <br />than the other car. The motor was overhauled. 12,000 miles have been put on <br />it since October and so the tires are all run off. Nothing was spent on the car <br />by us except for general maintenance during this time. He also said the 1970 <br />Plymouth is working at present, but is burning approximately two quarts of oil <br />every 1,000 1,500 miles. There is a howl in the rear end. The mechanics are <br />watching it and advising what should be done as problems develop. Before we <br />got the Ford the other car was used as a fire marshall;s car, and we were hard <br />pressed then. <br />Originally the Centerville Council asked $1,000 for the car. We sent a letter <br />and offered them $800.00. In their letter of April 29, 1972, they refused,saying <br />they would take no less than $1,000. We then sent them a letter saying we would <br />reconsider. <br />Mr. Myhre said he inquired values of the Centennial Bank. They said retail value <br />would be $1,425; wholesale value, $1,000; and loan value $925.00. Subtracting <br />$150.00 for having more than 50,000 on the car gives the following figures: <br />Retail- $1275, Wholesale -$850, Loan -$775. Mr. Jaworski said that the previous <br />Mayor had entered into the $1,000 agreement with the Centerville Council at a <br />special meeting. Mr. Jaworski was present at that meeting. Mr. Marier said, <br />"Do you realize you are paying more than market value ?" <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to purchase the Ford from Centerville for $1,000. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski. Roll call vote was as follows: Mr. Jaworski, Aye; Mrs. Swanson, <br />abstain; Mr. Marier, abstain for lack of record -the $1,000 being heresay; Mr. <br />Cardinal, Aye; Mr. Bohjanen, Aye. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn at 8:13 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of May 8, 197 <br />er - reasurer <br />
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