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5/8/72 <br />Clerk reported obtaining red tags which could be used by both the Building <br />and Plumbing Inspectors. Mr. Marier asked her to send some to both Inspectors, <br />and to send a copy of the new plumbing regulations to the Plumbing Inspector; <br />Clerk said regulations had been sent. <br />Mr. Marier asked the Clerk how she was coming on the new monthly reporting <br />forms and was told that she had been too busy to make them up yet. Mr. Marier <br />told Mr. Bohjanen that he would like to get this going by July. Mr. Bohjanen <br />said that we could make the July 1st deadline if we get a Deputy Clerk. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked of the letter was sent to Hugo; Clerk said No, that she <br />needed some information first. Mrs. Swanson noted that this was the second <br />meeting at which Clerk had been asked about the letter. Mr. Bohjanen asked <br />Mr. Jaworski to get in touch with the Clerk with the information. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that bids were sent out for grading and preparing the <br />baseball diamonds, but no bids had been received by the deadline or to date. <br />Mr. Cardinal said he had received a request to put snowfence all around the <br />little league ball diamond to keep the players in andothers out. He thought <br />it would take about 8 rolls of fence, at a cost of about $8 each, and moved <br />to authorize purchase of same. Mr. Jaworski asked if we could use the same <br />fence that we have in the outfield; Cardinal said No, since we need more and <br />this would stay up all year around. Mr. Marier seconded the motion, noting <br />that it was for the safety of the children. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that the Park Board members have copies of the wetlands <br />ordinance from Orono and will consider this at their next meeting. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that it doesn't look like the Lexington League will play <br />on our diamonds, but they haven't let him know. Mr. Bohjanen commented that <br />this leaves us more area for our kids to play. <br />Mr. Cardinal presented a map showing the boundaries of the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District which is to be kept at the Hall. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that the Rice Creek Watershed Board had received 61 names <br />for the Advisory Board, that some of these were volunteers, that there are <br />33 communities involved, and that the Board Managers meets in Centerville. <br />MR. Jaworski asked Mr. Cardinal to see that the bleachers we got for free are <br />put up and suggested that they be painted, probably taking 2 coats of paint. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that they are being put up. Mr. Marier felt we should get <br />bids on the paint. On Mrs. Swanson's suggestion, Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. <br />Cardinal to check and see if we can get the County men to do this painting. <br />Mr. Marier noted that some three weeks time has elapsed since hearing the County <br />Park proposal and thought it was time to give them an answer. Mr. Marier moved <br />to send a letter to the County stating that we turn down their total proposal <br />of a 2400 acre park for Lino Lakes. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. Mr. <br />Marier noted that he had a counter proposal which he would bring up later <br />under his report. <br />The hearing on amending Ordinance No. 56 as to minimum square footage require- <br />ments was called to order at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Locher read the requirements for <br />amending a zoning ordinance, noted that notice had been placed in the paper at <br />