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01/20/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/20/1976 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 10:59:54 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />January 20, 1976 <br />Mr. Jaworski said that he would have to accept some of the responsibility for work <br />not completed before the first of the year. He and the Mayor had met with the Clerk <br />and the Councilhad met with the employees to discuss the problem and then had done <br />nothing about it. <br />The means of communications with the departments was questioned. Is there any official <br />means for communications? <br />Mr. Zelinka said through reading the minutes or attending the meetings. He asked if <br />the employees are required to attend Council meetings and he said, No. Mr. Zelinka <br />felt the method of communications are horrible - most of it is verbal. Department <br />heads are notified of Council actions by the Council liaison or the Clerk. <br />Mr. Karth said he talks to Mr. Volk at least three times per week. If there is an <br />emergency, approval is obtained by phone polling of the Council. He plans to meet <br />with Mr. Volk on the day of the Council meetings to discuss the needs of the depart- <br />ment and what has been done in the past weeks. <br />Mr. Cape, CD Director, said that if he has a problem he goes to the Mayor. He has <br />excellent cooperation from the Clerk and any time he has asked for some work to be <br />done for that department, it has been done. If he had any suggestions, he felt the <br />Mayor would be the first one to talk to. <br />Mr. McLean said he relayed his orders in a combination of typed memos that had been <br />given over the phone and by verbal contact. He had checked the operations of the <br />Parks physically at least once a month: This method had seemed to serve the purpose <br />for him. <br />Someone asked if there was good communications within the Council and Mr. McLean <br />said, not necessarily. <br />Mr. Zelinka said there had been no formal system of communications - just an informal <br />method of communications that has loop holes but has been reasonably effective. <br />Mr. Schneider said in the matter of the 'unrest' between the Clerk's office and <br />the Police Department, he doesn't know what the answer is. <br />Mr. McLean said the Council had held a hearing and all departments had spoken for <br />themselves. , The departments were ordered to start communicating. The Council had <br />attempted to deal with this. <br />Mrs. Oman's opinion was that this hearing had only made things worse between those <br />departments and she repeated her charges that messages were never relayed. <br />Mr. Karth asked, If Mrs. Pankratz is not there, then does the Clerk's office take <br />messages for the Police Department as well as all other departments? He was told, <br />Yes. <br />In the matter of the repair ticket being issued to the City vehicle, Mr. McLean felt <br />this should be taken as constructive and not as critisilm. <br />Mr. Schneider felt that if there are deficiencies in the Clerk's office, that perhaps <br />the Council would need to ask for her resignation. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that the phone calls are time consuming - consider how long she <br />is on the phone - one call does not take much time but multiply that by the number <br />of calls_ received in a day and compute the time consumed by just this operation. <br />
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