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01/26/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/26/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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8 <br />January 26, 1976 <br />asked Mr. Locher if his opinion on this matter could be available by the first <br />meeting in February and Mr. Locher said he could have them ready by then. Motion <br />carried. <br />..A letter from the office of Mr. Robert Hunter of the Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development, was read. This letter is in answer to the City's request <br />for an extension of time in conjunction with the Flood Hazard Insurance Program. <br />The letter states that an extension cannot be granted since the dates are stat- <br />utory and cannot be changed. After some discussion of this matter, Mr. McLean moved <br />that a letter be written back to Mr. Robert Hunter stating that because of the fact <br />that the maps were incorrect when first presented and were sent back to be revised <br />and still have not been received by the City, Application for this insurance cannot <br />be made. The Clerk was asked to send copies of all correspondence dealing with <br />this matter to the Senators and Representatives from Minnesota. Mr. Zelinka <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Benjy Munson of the Lexington Fire Department was present to explain the contract <br />submitted to the Council for fire coverage over the Western portion of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Munson went through the formula that is used to compute the cost and gave the <br />Council the figure of $11,575.04 as the computed cost for the year 1976. The life <br />of the buildings and equipment used by the Fire Department was discussed. Mr. <br />Munson explained how these figures fit into the formula. After some discussion, <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the Fire Contract with the City of Lexington. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Munson asked if the Mayor had named a liaison to the Fire Department and Mayor <br />Bohjanen said the he had not as yet. He will try to attend the functions and will <br />contact the City's Fire Marshall for service in this capacity. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Charles Cape, Civil Defense Director, to present his yearly <br />report on the activities of that Department. <br />Mr. Cape gave a brief summary of the work done by that orginazation during this past <br />year and the things that have been acquired by the fund raising efforts. He said <br />the name of the orginazation will be changed from "Civil Defense" to Emergency <br />Preparedness." This will be done gradually due to the cost involved in the changing <br />to new badges and patches. <br />Mr. Cape was complimented on the work of his orginazation. Mr. Zelinka moved that <br />a Resolution showing the Council's appreciation of the work done by the Civil Defense <br />be passed. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Bill Houle, of the BI- Centennial Committee, was in the audience. Mr. Houle <br />said he was substituting for Mrs. Betty Livingston who is the Chairman of the Comm- <br />ittee. He asked permission from the Council to submit an application to the Bi- <br />Centennial Commission on behalf of the City. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by <br />Mayor Bohjanen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Houle said the Committee is gathering information on the early days of this <br />area for compiling into a booklet that people may have as a record. They will <br />need some funds for this work but have nothing to present at this time. Mr. Zelinka <br />said that several cases of old records had been presented to the Minnesota Historical <br />Society several years ago. He was sure information could be had from that source. <br />Mr. McLean said the Rice Creek Watershed Board did quite a study on this area for <br />their handbook. A copy of this is on file in the City offices. The Clerk said <br />there is an old book of births and deaths dating back to the 1800's available for <br />
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