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04/12/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/12/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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April 12, 1976 <br />Mr. Houle said he had approximately 11 acres on the North side of 80th Street <br />and on the East side of 135E. The construction of the bridge for the overpass <br />has made his land inaccessiable. Mr. Houle asked the City to assist him in <br />the construction of a driveway in order for him to be able to use the land. <br />Mr. Gotwald said the construction of the bridge puts about a 15' embankment <br />in the front of his property. Mr. Houle had talked with Mr. Gotwald and Mr. <br />Gotwald had suggested he appear at the Council meeting for information. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thought this matter would have to go before the Planning and <br />Zoning Board for their recommendations. <br />Mr. Houle had some hand drawn maps of the area for Council inspection. He <br />is- requesting the City to assume a portion of the cost for construction of a <br />driveway onto this property. <br />Mr. Gotwald pointed out the City Ordinances requires the cost of this type <br />of construction to be assessed against the affected properties. <br />There was discussion on how this situati-on was created with the general con- <br />sensus the State Highway Department was responsible for the grade of 80th <br />Street in the area of the bridge. <br />Mr. Locher asked if there had been condemnation at the time of construction? <br />Mr. Houle said, Yes, he was paid a small amount for a small parcel of land <br />taken by the State Highway Department in construction of 135E. Mr. Locher <br />felt it would be necessary to see the document Mr. Houle had signed before <br />any decision could be made. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested Mr. Houle contact Mr. Kermit McCrea at the State High- <br />way Maintenance Department. <br />Mr. Bill Houle gave a report for the Bi- Centennial Commission. They are look- <br />ing for old family records and would appreciate any information. The Commiss- <br />ion will be publishing a booklet on the history of the area and in order to <br />pay for this booklet, they are selling Bi- Centennial buttons. <br />Mr. Houle asked for the use of the Hall on April 20, 1976 for a meeting of a <br />Committee to 'Restore the Constitution'. This is in conflict with a request <br />from the Boy Scouts. Mr. Houle felt something could be worked out. This comm- <br />ittee could meet after the Boy Scouts. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Backlin, Fire Marshall, for his report. Mr. Backlin <br />had no report. He reiterated the problems with the no burning ruling by the <br />PCA. <br />The problem of the partially burned home on Birch Street was discussed. Mr. <br />Karth asked if the City could clean up the area and assess the owner? <br />Mr. Locher felt the most efficient manner would be to have the Police issue <br />a nuisance tag. This matter would then come before a Judge and the cleaning <br />up of the area would be a part of the ruling. <br />Mr. Karth moved to authorize the Chief to issue a tag to the owner for having <br />a nuisance. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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