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04/26/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/26/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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66 <br />April 26, 1976 <br />The reguular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. <br />on April 26, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, Schneider, <br />Zelinka. Mr. McLean will arrive later. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of April 12, 1976 as presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported on the following items: <br />..Notice of the approval of Flood Insurance for the City of Lino Lakes had been <br />received. This material was given to the Attorney for checking. <br />..The Planned Use Report for the Federal Revenue Sharing for the period from Julyl, <br />1976 through December 31, 1976 had been received. The amount the City will re- <br />ceive is $13,554.00. This is an indication of a cut back in the amount the City <br />has been receiving. The Clerk is to make copies of this for the Council members <br />for consideration at the May 10, 1976 meeting. <br />..Received a copy of the proposed improvements at the MMTC. This information was <br />given to Mr. Schneider. <br />..Received a study on sewers from the Federal Government. This material was given <br />to Mr. McLean for study. <br />..Read a cover letter from Mr. Gotwald on the feasibility report for the sanitary <br />sewer improvement No. 76 -1. Mr. Gotwald recommended a Council conference with <br />the Bonding Consultant, Attorney and Engineer prior to public hearings. Afer <br />some discussion the meeting was set for May 5, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. <br />..Read a letter from Mr. James Barton setting forth the action the Council must take <br />in connection with the installation of the interceptor. The Clerk was instruct- <br />ed to contact Mr. Barton and ask that he be at the May 10, 1976 Council meeting. <br />He is to be first on the agenda. <br />..Reported receipt of the March sewer hauling charges in the amount of $1,245.00. <br />..Municipal fines for the month of March received in the amount of $278.00. <br />..Read Mr. Gotwald's cover letter on the petition for the utilities for the Lexing- <br />ton Park Lakeview area. The signatures represent only 34% but Mr. Gotwald felt <br />there was sufficient interest to justify a hearing. Mr. Zelinka moved to inst- <br />ruct Mr. Gotwald to proceed with a feasibility study. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Reported that many calls from the residents of Shenandoah had been received ask- <br />ing what the City's hook up charges will be. According to the Ordinance, the <br />charges are set at $500.00 with this amount including the S.A.C. Mr. Locher said <br />he had talked to Mr. Gotwald on this matter and Mr. Gotwald had felt that since <br />there are no special assessments in this area, the charges should be just an in- <br />spection fee. Mr. Locher felt the figure set in the Ordinance should be up dated <br />to reflect the rising costs of the S. A. C. The CLerk had called Mr Ray Payne <br />at the MWCC and the S. A. C. for those homes must be paid. After some discussion, <br />it was decided to seek more information on this matter and make it a part of the <br />discussion at the special meeting on May 5, 1976. <br />..Notice of the condemnation procedures on the property located on Main street that <br />had been acquired by Anoka County for Park purpose had been delivered to the <br />Clerk's office. <br />Mr. Bob Davis, from the firm of Hill - Milne, was present to discuss the 1975 audit <br />and to answer any questions the Council members might have. <br />Mr. Davis said the one critical area for the City at this point is the deliquent <br />taxes and special assessments. There was discussion of collecting these monies with <br />the general consensus being there is no way this can be accomplished by the City. <br />Mr. Schneider asked why recommendations such as Mr. Davis had made in a letter had <br />
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