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05/05/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/05/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />May 5, 1976 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />7:45 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, Schneider, <br />Zelinka. Absent; McLean. Mr. Locher, Mr. Gotwald, Mr. Don Carley and <br />Mr. M. Anderson, of Springsted, Inc., were also present. <br />This meeting had been called for the purpose of discussing ways and means <br />of financing the proposed sewer project along Highway #49. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented a map showing the proposed route of the truck line. <br />The installation is designed to encompass 358 acres. The main truck line <br />will be installed at a depth to hanle the future development of this land. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt this was necessary due to the future expansion of the area. <br />He said, it has been their experience, that once a trunk line has been in- <br />stalled, the development adjacent to this line begins soon. If the line <br />is not installed at the proposed depth, then the expansion is limited to <br />a verysmal1 area. <br />Mr. Don Carley had computed five methods of financing this project. (A <br />copy of all proposals are attached to these minutes.) These methods were <br />thoroughly discussed with Plan IV seeming to be the most acceptable. <br />Mr. Morrie Anderson, of Springsted, said the $132,000.00 geared to the <br />expansion, could be picked up after ten years. He said it would cost a <br />little more in interest this way. <br />Mr: Anderson felt that Plan V could be done but thought it would be more <br />difficult and harder to structure the bonds. He felt that Plan IV was <br />a good plan. <br />Mr. Carley asked if the Trailer Court could be expanded. The Council wasn't <br />sure but felt land was available for expansion. <br />Mr. Schneider asked how the unit charge relate to trailers? Mr. Gotwald <br />said each lot would be assessed a unit charge. Mr. Gotwald said the land <br />zoned commercial, if used for that purpose, could be charged one unit per <br />each 2000 square feet of floor space. <br />Mr. Zelinka wondered if it would be economical to put water pipes in at the <br />same time. Mr. Carley said, No. The water lines must be ten feet from <br />the sewer lines and this would mean the State Highway would have to be <br />dug up and this would be costly. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Carley and Mr. Gotwald if they would recommend <br />Plan IV as the method for financing this project and they both said, Yes. <br />Mr. Anderson agreed with the Engineers. <br />Mr. Locher reminded the Council a public hearing requires both publication <br />and mailing notices. The notice must be published for two weeks and the <br />notice must be mailed ten days before the hearing. <br />Mr. Carley said that Centerville has scheduled a public hearing on their <br />sewer for June 10, 1976. He would prefer a Wednesday or Thursday evening. <br />After some consideration, Mr. Zelinka moved to set June 3rd, 1976 at 7:30 <br />P. M. for a public hearing on the Highway #49 sewer Project and authorize <br />Mr. Locher to put in proper forms for the Bonding Consultant. <br />
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