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06/07/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/07/1976 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />June 7, 1976 <br />A joint meeting of the Lino Lakes and Centerville Council was held on June 7, <br />1976 for the purpose of discussing a petition by the residents in LaMotte's <br />Addition to be served by the Centerville Sewer system. <br />While waiting, Mayor Pracher asked to discuss the current problem in the County <br />Park on the South end of Centerville Lake. He asked who was responsible for <br />patrolling that area? Mayor Bohjanen said since the County has taken the land <br />for Open Space, a part of the agreement was the County is reponsible for pat- <br />rolling the Park area. <br />Mayor Pracher said he has had many phone calls from the residents of the area <br />complaining on the number of cars that use the street into the Park and on the <br />noise generated from that area. The Lino Lakes Police have been called but say <br />they cannot handle the situation. Mayor Pracher repeated his question, who is <br />responsible? <br />Mr. McLean said this is not the responsibility of the Lino Lakes Police Depart- <br />ment, but is the responsibility of the County. He repeated the stipulations <br />in the agreement with the County - they are responsible for maintaining, control- <br />ling all Open Space land within the two cities. <br />The Clerks were instructed to formulate a letter ( with copies to be sent to <br />Mr. Burman and Sheriff Talbot) to be sent to Mr. Torkildson requesting this matter <br />be taken care of. <br />On the matter of the sewers, Mayor Pracher asked if a formal petition had been <br />received and was given a copy of the petition presented to the Lino Lakes City <br />Council by the residents of the area. <br />Mayor Pracher asked if this petition was for the plat or just for the residents? <br />Mr. Sprint said that he has just gotten the signatures of the current residents. <br />Mayor Pracher asked if the Council wanted to handle this as a plat or just for <br />the current residents and Mr. McLean felt it should be handled as a plat in order <br />to assure sewers for the remaining lots. <br />Mayor Pracher said this could be handled by a contract between the two Cities <br />with this portion of the system to be handled as part of Centerville's system. <br />He felt this was the logical way to handle this matter, and this would not use <br />any part of the Centerville capacity. Mayor Pracher felt that until the public <br />hearing scheduled for June 10, 1976 is held and the feeling of the residents of <br />Centerville is known and the project is ordered, there is not much more that can <br />be done on this matter. <br />The City of Lino Lakes still must call a public hearing for this matter to be <br />discussed with all property owners in the LaMotte Addition. This can be done <br />once the cost figures are set. There was discussion on the methods of billing <br />but this too will wait for the final decision. <br />Mayor Pracher said this matter had been discussed many times during the recent <br />negotiations and he felt there would be no problems connected with the install- <br />ation of sewers in that area to be serviced throughthe Centerville system. <br />There will be a record in their minutes of Centerville's acceptance of the petition <br />and when details are finalized, the Lino Lakes City Council will be contacted. <br />Mr. Burque moved to accept the petition from Lino Lakes on behalf of the resid- <br />ents of LaMotte's Addition. Seconded by Mr. Murray. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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