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06/24/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/24/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />June 24, 1976 <br />Mr. Richard Weiner asked if the tot6l cost was for the entire system and Mr. Gotwald <br />said, Yes. <br />Mr. Weiner asked to submit a petition objecting to the sewers. He had circulated <br />this petition since the last meeting. Mr. Weiner read the names on the petition. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt this petition should be dealt with the same as the other petition. <br />Mr. Jerry Truman, 6910 Hodgson Road, felt the residentt of the portion designated <br />as Section 2 is 100% against the installation of the sewer. <br />On a show of hands, approximately 75% 75% of the people present were opposed to the <br />sewers. Mr. Jensen asked for a vote of the Council. <br />Mayor Bohjanen repeated the reason for this hearing is it is required by law and was <br />not instigated by this Council but by the residents of that area. <br />Mr. Baker asked for a vote of the Council. Mr. Zelinka disagreed. He felt since <br />the first petition had been investigated, the second petition presented at this <br />meeting should be handled in the same manner. <br />Mr. Weiner asked if the people will be notified when the decision will be made <br />if it is not made at this meeting and Mr. Locher said, if a decision is not made <br />at this meeting, and it is continued, the date and time must be set at this meet- <br />ing. <br />Mrs. Wood asked Mr. Weiner if he had checked with the State Board of Health and <br />Mr. Weiner said, No. <br />Mrs. Linderman, 6308 Hodgson Road s6idthey must have their system pumped each year <br />and have had to install drainfields each two years. Mr. Linderman felt that people <br />who do not live in the area but only own lands here do not understand the problems. <br />Mr. Schneider flet there was not support for this system. He asked, if this pet- <br />ition is denied, can the people who do want sewers be considered? <br />Mr. Gotwald felt they could be on a smaller scale. Mr. Weiner felt that no one <br />wanted this system. <br />Mr. Schneider cold see no reason for a continuation of this meeting: Mayor Boh- <br />janen said that he had not come to this meeting prepared to vote on this issue. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if this petition is denied and a smaller portion is considered, <br />what would the cost be? Mr. Gotwald said there would have to be a new cost esti- <br />mate, would have to re- advertise, mail notices and call a public hearing. <br />Mr. Jensen suggested a small area hook into the force main and Mr. Gotwald told <br />him that this is impossible, the only method of hooking into the force main is to <br />go through the lift station. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to deny the sewer petition for Highway #49. Seconded by Mr. <br />Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Aye <br />77 <br />CLE - TREASURER <br />These minutes were approved, with correction on <br />
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