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07/26/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/26/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />July 26, 1976 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to instruct the Lino Lakes Police Department to set up the radar <br />on Main Street, Birch Street and both sides of 135E whenever possible, in conjunct - <br />ion with asking for assistance from the Sheriff's office. <br />Mr. Schneider asked to defer this action until the next meeting in order to consult <br />with Chief Myhre. Mr. Zelinka also wondered what condition the old radar is in at <br />this time. After some discussion, Mr. McLean seconded Mr. Karth's motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schneider suggested that common sense be used in the issuance of tickets - possibly <br />issueing warning tickets if the speed was not excessive. <br />..A letter from the State Highway Department in reference to the speed study request- <br />ed by the City for Highway #49 from County Road J. to Birch Street was read. The <br />State had conducted a survey on that portion of the highway and found conditions <br />had not changed since the previous survey done in 1971. They felt that until there <br />was more development and the more traffic generated, the current speed is safe and <br />reasonable. At that time they will be glad to conduct another survey. <br />..The Clerk reported the repair service from A. B. Dick had called with the absol- <br />ute minimum cost of repairs on the copy machine would be $262.00. This is just <br />an estimate and the man felt that more things might need to be replaced once the <br />machine was taken apart. After some discussion, Mr. Schneider moved to have the <br />Clerk check on the cost of either purchasing or leasing a copy machine. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..The Clerk had been instructed to check on the cost of conducting a census. She <br />reported she had contacted the Little Canada Clerks office. That community had <br />conducted a census in 1974 with an approximate cost of $3700.00. The Clerk in <br />Little Canada had felt with the area to be covered and the inflation cost, the <br />survey would probObly be around $5,000.00 for Lino Lakes. Mr. McLean moved to <br />table this until a later date. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried un- <br />animously. <br />Mr. Schneider reported on the meeting of the Park Board held on July 12, 1976. The <br />status of the new ballfield at Sunrise was discussed with the general consensus to <br />leave the field as it is for the remainder of this year and put the cost of a back- <br />stop in next year's budget. <br />The outlot in LaMotte's addition had been checked into and it was found this lot <br />is owned by the City but is to used for drainage purposes only. Also, the St. Paul <br />Water Department owns 25' bordering the lake shore. <br />There had also been discussion on needs at the Hall property for the winter months <br />such as ice rinks and a place for kids to change skates and warm up. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the possibility of using the area in the garage had been discuss <br />ed and Mr. Schneider said, Yes. Mr. McLean suggested the Park Board present a cost <br />figure for Council consideration. <br />The Barn at Sunrise had been discussed and since Mr. Mobley was in the audience, <br />Mr. Schneider asked for his findings. <br />
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