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08/11/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/11/1976 Council Minutes
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130 <br />August II, 1976 <br />A Special Emergency meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 5:40 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen on August 11, 1976. Members present; Karth, <br />Schneider. Absent; McLean, Zelinka. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said this meeting has been called for the purpose of dealing <br />with an emergency situation involving the Building Inspector. <br />Mr. Mobley reported he had stopped in three different locations where top soil <br />is being removed and was ordered off two of the premises with the remark 'this <br />is private property and he had no business on the premises.' As of this time, <br />only a citation has been issued. <br />Mr. Locher explained that in order to institute civil action, a Resolution <br />must be passed by this Council. This would be in the form of a restraining <br />order. He suggested that consideration of the damage done and the cost of <br />civil action. <br />Mr. Mobley cited City Ordinance 6E dealing with the removal of top soil and <br />the duties of the Building Inspector. This Ordinance clearly states this is the <br />responsibility of the Building Inspector. <br />Mr. Schneider wondered if there was something else that can be done other than <br />instigating civil action against these men. <br />Mr. Mobley said he had issued a citation and this is as far as he can go. He <br />felt the next step is to issue a restraining order. <br />Mr. Locher said the penalty for violation of the Ordinance is a fine of $300.00 <br />or 90 days or both. He said the action can be suspended with the stipulation <br />they comply to the Ordinance within a given period of time and there is no fur- <br />ther violation of similar nature. <br />The complaints are filed with the Blaine Clerk of Court and can be handled on <br />one of four ways; I) continuance; 2) guilty; 3) guilty with an explanation and <br />4) not guilty and ask for a courttrial or a jury trial. Mr. Locher felt the <br />Council should decide if irreparable damage had been done. He said civil act- <br />ion is costly and the City must post a bond. <br />Mr. Karth felt this citation has indicated this is a criminal offense, just <br />let this take it's course and the City would end up with the desired action. <br />There was discussion on the danger of the high wires located adjacent to the <br />ditch along Main Street. These wires carry 64,000 volts. The ditch is <br />about 15' deep with 3 to 4 feet of water. <br />Mr. Mobley felt this law is on the books and should be upheld or abolished. <br />He resented being threatened and felt the defiance of the law must be stopped <br />now otherwise, this defiance will continue. <br />Sgt. Costa reported at 6:45 P.M. that Mr. Allan Robinson and Mr. Glenn <br />Rehbein had been served with the citation. <br />Mr. Karth felt this is the first time this Ordinance had been enfored. <br />The Council ordered these locations be red tagged. These tags to be placed <br />with Police protection with a letter stating this is by Council action. <br />
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