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09/28/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/28/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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September 28, 1976 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. <br />on September 28, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, <br />Schneider, Zelinka. Absent; none. <br />his meeting had been called for the purpose of discussion Union demands by the <br />olice Department. Mr. Robert Wisenburger, Union Representative was present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen turned the meeting over to Mr. Wisenburger to explain the items <br />for discussion and what they are asking for in the way of salary increases. <br />Mr. Wisenburger said item 5 on the list he had mailed is not open for negotiatior <br />at this time. Basically the salary demands are based on the Metro salary scale - <br />$1400.00 per month for a patrolman with 36 months experience. They are asking <br />for 11 holidays and an increase to $65.00 for H &W benefits. He asked for a <br />-counter proposal from the City in order to determine what areas there are major <br />differences. <br />Mr. Schneider wondered why this contract is for only six months. Mr. Wisenburger <br />said this should be a contract for the year 1977. Mr. Wisenburger said some of <br />the communities are not up to the metro scale but are working up gradually. <br />Mr. McLean felt this City is not in a financial position to step into the metro <br />salary range at this time. <br />There was some Council discussion on what is now being paid in the area of H &W <br />and what the average being paid by other communities was. Mr. Wisenburger <br />suggested the Police personnel leave and let the Council discuss this matter. <br />IIhe Council waspolled on the Holidays and the majority agreed on seven (7); <br />e H &W to remain at $46.20; with a salary adjustment of 8% for all Police <br />esonnel with the exception of the Clerk who would receive a salary increase <br />of $10.00 per month. <br />These figures would be for the year 1977 with negotiations <br />the year 1978. <br />begin in July for <br />Mr. Wisenburger returned to the Council chambers and this information was given <br />to him. He asked if this indicated that all setps were to be adjusted by 8%? <br />Mr. McLean said the basic salary is keyed off the three year patrolman's salary. <br />The Union representative and thePolice personnel retired for a conference. <br />When they returned to the Council chambers, Mr. Wisenburger said he would like <br />to submit this to the membership for a vote and set another meeting with the <br />Council. He also questioned the source of the figures and Mr. Zelinka explained <br />the study done by the Personnel Commission. <br />After some discussion, the next meeting was set for October 7, 1976 at 8L00 P.M. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Schneider, Aye <br />
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