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62 <br />October 6, 1976 <br />Mr. Schneider's concern about the Debt #.2 principal payment of $45,000.00 due in <br />January of 1977 was discussed. Mr. Zelinka moved to direct the Attorney to make <br />a personal visit for clarification of the availability of the $50,000.00 CD on <br />deposit at the Drover State Bank. If this matter is not cleared to his satisfact- <br />iom, to instigate legal action to assure the City's right to use that money to sat- <br />isfy the bond payment due. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />There was some discussion on the Attorney fees. This will be discussed at a later <br />date. <br />Mr. Schneider asked Mr. Larry Johnson, Chairman of the Personnel Commission, to ex- <br />plain the process used for the salary recommendations. <br />Mr. Johnson said he had taken the salaries form comparable communities and averaged <br />them. The salaries recommended for the City personnel is 5% below the minumum with <br />the exception of the Police Clerk - the $10.00 per month recommended for that position <br />puts that salary at the average. Mr. Johnson said the Personnel Commission did not <br />feel the Police salaries were within the realm of that Commission, but he had been <br />asked to consider them and had included his findings for informational purposes only. <br />He had found that departments of the size of this Police Department do not have Sar- <br />gents and that the work being done by Chief Myhre would fall into that classification; <br />and that in other departments, sargents are paid $50.00 per month more than the pat- <br />rolmen - not a percentage. <br />Mr. McLean was concerned these figures do not have a cushion for tax delinquent pro- <br />perty. <br />Mr. Karth said the $2,800.00 expenditure proposed for Aqua Lane can be ommitted <br />because of Anoka County acquisition of most of that street. <br />There was discussion of the amounts on the Fire Contracts. There was a suggestion <br />of setting up a commission to study the possibility of contracting with other fire <br />departments. Mr. McLean moved to authorize the Mayor to set up a survey commission <br />to look at alternative fire coverage. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried un- <br />animously. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thanked Mr. Johnson and the Personnel Commission on the work that <br />had been done on the salaries. <br />Mr. Johnson felt that the raises should be brought up to the minimum, at least. <br />He said most of the City employees are grossly under paid and this is just the be- <br />ginning to bring them up to average. <br />There was discussion on the next date scheduled for a budget hearing. Due to several <br />conflicts, the Park Board - meeting was rescheduled for October 19, 1976 and the budget <br />hearing will be held at 7:30 P.M. on October 18, 1976. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Mo- <br />tion carried unanimously. Time: 10:00 P.M. <br />Mr. Schneider requested the Clerk and Mrs. Anderson meet him at the City Hall at <br />9:30 A.M. on Saturday, October 16, 1976 to go over some figures with him. <br />October 18, 1976 <br />The fourth budget hearing was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Coun- <br />cil members present; Karth, Schneider, Zelinka. Absent: McLean. <br />1 <br />