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11/01/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/01/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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November 1, 1976 <br />A special meeting of the Lino. Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:10 P.M., <br />November 1, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, Schneider. <br />Absent; McLean, Zelinka. <br />Mr. Jim Schrantz was here representing the City of Blaine. Mr. Walter Williams <br />representing the firm of Carley Engineering, City Engineers. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the possibility of <br />the three Cities of Blaine, Lexington and Lino Lakes joining in a joint powers agree - <br />ment for the purpose of applying for a Federal Grant for the installation of an over- <br />head water system to serve the three communities. <br />Mr. Schrantz, from Blaine, explained the concept of the system. This would be an <br />overhead tank with the capacity for that portion of Lino Lakes South of the Free- <br />way and West of Old Highway #8. This system would also serve a portion of Lexing- <br />ton and serve as a backup system for the entire City. <br />Mayor Bohjanen felt this is the most feasible way to apply for a grant for a system <br />to serve that area. <br />1 <br />Mr. Schrantz said what is needed is a joint powers agreement in order to apply for <br />the grant. The work to be done in order to get the application in order and to supply <br />all necessary information will cost approximately $4,500.00 which would be shared <br />equally by the three communities. <br />The availability of this money from the budget was discussed. Mr. Karth asked Mr. <br />Schneider if there is a place where this amount could be cut. If this is approved, <br />the money would have to be cut from some other fund, but he felt this could be done. <br />He wasn't sure from just where as yet. <br />The grant application is for just the well, overhead tank and the trunk lines. <br />The laterals to serve the homes in the areas would be installed by the communities. <br />Basically, Blaine would need to know the water requirements from Lino Lakes in order <br />to size the truck lines large enough to handle the area proposed to be served. The <br />estimated cost of the system would be approximately one and one -half million dollars. <br />Mr. Williams was asked his opinion on the participation of Lino Lakes in this ven- <br />ture. He felt that even if the City installs a system sometime in the future, this <br />would be an excellent source for fire coverage. The pressure type systems do not <br />afford the amount of water this system can. Also, this source would always be <br />there even if a City system is installed. <br />There was some discussion on the hearing for the Lakeview area that is scheduled <br />for November 16, 1976 and how that area could be affected by this action. <br />Mr. Schneider felt this is needed for the fire protection, if nothing else. <br />Mr. Karth read the joint powers agreement as proposed by Blaine. Mr. Schneider <br />moved to enter into the joint powers agreement with the Cities of Blaine and Lex- <br />ington for the application for an EDA grant for water improvements and the related <br />water storage project. Seconded by Mayor Bohjanen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A copy of this agreement is to be sent to Mr. Locher. Mr. Gotwald will give any data <br />necessary to insure the trunk lines are sized to serve the Lakeview area. Mr. <br />Schneider moved to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Aye. <br />
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