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11/16/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/16/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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November 16, 1976 <br />The Public Hearing for the consideration of utilities in the Lexington Park Lakeview <br />area was called to order at 8:05 P.M. on November 16, 1976 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council <br />members present; Karth, Schneider, Zelinka. Absent; McLean. Mr. Don Carley, Engineer, <br />Mr. John Burke, Attorney and Mr. Barry Berg Fiscal Agent were also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen told the people this meeting had been called as the result of a petit- <br />ion from that area. The Engineer had done a feasibility report and had recommended <br />a public hearing. He then turned the meeting over to the Attorney. <br />Mr. Burke announced this meeting notice had been published in the legal paper two weeks <br />in succession and notices had been mailed to all property owners in the area. He then <br />turned the meeting over to the Engineer. <br />Mr. Carley presented his report. He said this started with the petition. The area <br />to be considered is one mile in length, running from Elm Street to North Road, from <br />Sunset Avenue to Sunrise, also to include Rustic Lane. The lines would run South from <br />Elm and North from North Road to Gladstone, thence to a lift station near Rice Lake, <br />thence West on North Road to the interceptor. <br />Once a feasibility report has been presented to the Council, then a public hearing <br />must be ordered. The Council has three options as a result of this hearing; 1) they <br />can vote to abandon the project; 2) vote to continue this hearing; 3) vote to order the <br />Plans and Specifications and advertise for bids. This can be done anytime within the <br />next six months. <br />Mr. Carley said he would try and answer some of the usual questions that are asked at <br />hearings such as this. If some one did not receive a notice, it probably went to the <br />mortgage company or if some one is buying on a contract for deed, the notice probably <br />went to the fee owner. <br />On this specific project the estimated cost is $1.9 million dollars. The Council had <br />requested an alternate plan for the installation of the sewer lines, so the estimate <br />has been revised. He presented the cost figures on the minimum installation. This would <br />place the sewer line down the back lot line and allow the home owner to split his lot <br />and sell the back portion, if he so desired. <br />Mr. Carley said this City has been talking to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission <br />for approximately five years for sewer facilities in both Lino Lakes and Centerville <br />and they have finally agreed to allow some sewers in both areas. <br />Mr. Carley touched on the new PCA requirements as to the installation of septic systems. <br />He told the people these systems will be monitored annually and it will be necessary <br />to obtain a permit to pump the systems. <br />Mr. Carley explained a little on the Public Works Bill. The State of Minnesota will <br />receive approximately 18 million dollars for the entire State and the rate of employ- <br />ment is one of the ruling factors on who receives the monies. Mr. Carley discouraged <br />the people from expecting too much from this program. <br />The amount of the assessment will be discussed later but at this time Mr. Carley dis- <br />cussed how these assessments can be paid. If they are prepaid, there is no interest, <br />or they can be paid off at any period during the assessment time schedule. Special <br />assessments must be paid in full if the home is sold under a FHA or VA loan. The <br />special assessments may be deferred if the owner is 65 or older and meet certain re- <br />quirements. <br />
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