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02/09/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/09/1977 Council Minutes
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February 9, 1977 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:45 P.M., <br />February 9, 1977, by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, Sch- <br />neider, Zelinka. Absent; None. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the two proposed routes <br />for the Centerville Sewer Interceptor and the effect'on the City of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Ray Payne, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission representative introduced Mr. <br />Kelly Brookman, District Representative and Mr. Bill Moeller, Waste Control Engineer. <br />Mr. Marvin LaValle, Mayor of Hugo, was also present. <br />Mr. Payne presented a map showing the two proposed routes for the Interceptor. The <br />Northern route is along Main Street, the Southern route proposed goes along Cedar <br />Street. <br />Mr. Payne said this interceptor is a 10" force main and at the present time cannot <br />be utilized by either Lino Lakes or Hugo. He felt the Southern route is more feas- <br />ible in that Centerville has already installed the internal system along Main Street <br />and it would necessitate the inconvenience of the residents of Centerville to re- <br />excavate Main Street. However, Mr. Payne did say the costs are comparable for both <br />routes. <br />Mr. Payne said there would be more permanent easements needed along the Southern <br />route while the Northern route would be mostly in the street right -of -ways and only <br />temporary easements are necessary. <br />The Northern route would empty into the Forest Lake Interceptor at a point where it <br />would be necessary to re -pump the effluent while the Southern route would empty into <br />the gravity portion of the interceptor and eliminate the necessity for re- pumping. <br />Over the life of the sytem, the Southern route would be the least costly to operate. <br />Mayor LaValle said the City of Hugo is opposed to the Southern route in that it goes <br />through low lands and the City of Hugo could never utilize the interceptor. He said <br />the City had had problems with the replacement of soil and sod during the construct- <br />ion of the Forest Lake interceptor. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Payne if this interceptor was to be a force main the entire <br />route on both lines and Mr. Payne said, Yes. Neither Lino Lakes nor Hugo will be <br />allowed to utilize any portion of the system. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the proposed industrial park would be able to hook into that <br />system? Mr. Payne said the only way would be to go through the Centerville internal <br />system. <br />Mr. Karth asked about the life of that system and Mr. Payne said it is planned for <br />a 25 year life span because of the use of a 10" pipe. <br />Mr. LaValle said the area in Hugo was a swampy area and feltthe Waste Control Comm- <br />ission would have construction problems. Mr. Payne said soil borings had been taken <br />in the area and no problems were anticipated. <br />Mr. LaValle said if the line is installed along the Northern route Hugo would have <br />an opportunity of utilizing the line at some point in time, the Sourthern route <br />gives no advantage for Hugo. <br />
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