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02/23/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1977 Council Minutes
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21 9 <br />February 23, 1977 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:50 P.M. <br />on February 23, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, <br />Schneider. Absent; Zelinka. Mr. Gotwald, Mr. Locher and Mr. Short were also <br />present. Mr. Gourley, Planning and Zoning Board Chairman was also present. Mr. <br />Lee Starr, Mr. John Hoeft, and Mr. Bob Ranta were present as staff representatives <br />of the Physical Development Committee of the Metropolitan Council. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting is to clear some of the points of <br />contentions in the City's package presented to the Physical Development Committee <br />on February 17, 1977. Mayor Bohjanen turned the meeting over to Mr. McLean who had <br />worked very closely with the preparation of this material. <br />Mr. McLean said the purpose of this meeting was to make clear the intent of the <br />material submitted to the Physical Development Committee. He felt the Committee <br />should be made to understand this material is intended to conform to the City <br />of Lino Lakes Resolution in conjunction with the installation of the interceptor <br />and to upgrade the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan at the same time. The mater- <br />ial submitted paralleled the Resolution as passed by this City. <br />Mr. Locher said in Number three of the Resolution stated the City will define an <br />Urban Service Area. This has been done_ and the staged development has also been <br />indicated in both Urban service area #I and #2. Area #I concerns the development <br />in the Country Lakes area, Shenandoah and the Baldwin Lake Trailer Court. Area <br />#2 is the Lexington Park Lakeview area which the Committee says cannot be consid- <br />ered at this time because the reserved capacity in the Blaine interceptor is not <br />allocated to the City of Lino Lakes. Mr. Locher said that capacity is there and <br />was set aside at the time of design for the City of Lino Lakes and this matter would <br />be contested if the reserved capacity was allocated to another community. <br />The request for the allocation to be staged over a fifteen year period has been <br />done in increments. <br />The rural service area encompasses the remainder of the City which has been divided <br />into three areas; Ag. #I, Ag. #2, and Rural Residential. Mr. Locher explained <br />the restrictive soils Ordinance and the septic system regulations that are to be <br />considered in relation to this area. <br />The Physical Development Staff had asked for a definition of the problem areas now <br />existing. Mr. Short explained that the City has no records that could document <br />the problem areas. The City is proposing to set up a record keeping system that <br />would define those areas with septic system problems. This system was discussed <br />and explained. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the recommendations of the staff was bounced against the City's <br />Resolution or against the Metropolitan Council demands? Mr. Starr said both was <br />used, but the emphasis had been placed on the Metropolitan requirements. <br />Mr. Starr said in approving the interceptor, the Metropolitan Council had three <br />areas of concern; 1) inpact on serving just the existing homes. 2)the Blaine in- <br />terceptor; 3) service to existing development meant'land platted or just the exist- <br />ing homes'. Mr. Locher added the determination as to annual pumping and monitor- <br />ing septic systems. <br />Number 1, presents no problems; on number 2, Mr. Starr said the City would need <br />to conform to the Land Use Act and prepare an interim comprehensive sewer plan. <br />Mr. Starr said the map as prepared by Gotwald was pretty much sufficient. <br />
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