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<br />February 28, 1977
<br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05
<br />P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present: Karth, McLean, Schneider, Zelinka.
<br />Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were also present.
<br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of February 9, 1977 as presented. Seconded
<br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />The following additions and corrections were made to the minutes of February 14,
<br />1977:
<br />..on page I, paragraph 4, Mr. Zelinka asked the date of February 17, 1977 be inserted;
<br />..on page I, paragraph 6, the attorney added to the motion, "and waive bond require-
<br />ments and declare a community interest action ",
<br />..on page 2, 1st line, insert the word 'not' after the word, 'had';
<br />..on page 2, paragraph 7, delete the word, 'been', after the word, 'had', in the
<br />first line;
<br />..on page 4, paragraph 5, change the 'Register of Deeds' to 'County Recorder' in
<br />two places.
<br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the minutes with the additions and corrections.
<br />Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried with Mr. McLean abstaining.
<br />The following additions and corrections were made on consideration of the minutes
<br />of February 23, 1977:
<br />..on page 1, paragraph 3, delete the phrase, 'demands of the Metropolitan Council',
<br />and insert, 'City of Lino Lakes' Resolution;'
<br />..on page 2, paragraph 9, after the word, 'ordinances' in the third line, add
<br />'defining urban and rural service areas';
<br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Schneider.
<br />Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Mr. Roger Kolstad, representing Sunset Oaks Plat, appeared before the Council re-
<br />questing permission to obtain building permits in that plat in order to erect
<br />some model homes. Mr. Kolstad said, these homes would be constructed with the
<br />specification of no occupancy until the plat is either approved or disapproved.
<br />Mr. Kolstad said there has been some delay in getting the final surveying done.
<br />After the survey work is completed, the plat must be sent to the County for final
<br />approval. He felt there could be a delay of possibly two months. The models
<br />should be started now in order to be ready for the opening up of that plat. The
<br />descriptions would be gotten from Mr. Tilsen on a meets and bounds legal, but
<br />the deed would not be recorded. When the plat is approved, these lots would then
<br />revert to the lot and block description. If the plat is disapproved, then the lots
<br />would be sold with the meets and bounds description.since they are large enough
<br />to meet City requirements.
<br />Mr. Locher was asked the advisability of this action and he said, if the deeds are
<br />not filed and title transferred, then there is no problem. If the title is trans-
<br />ferred, it involves the signatures of all the land owners when the plat is filed
<br />and creates quite a problem.
<br />Mr. McLean asked how many permits they are requesting and Mr. Kolstad said, six
<br />or eight; there are three models and three lots are sold. Mr. McLean asked if
<br />these lots are on existing roads and Mr. Kolstad said, yes, they are all on County
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