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02/28/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/28/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />February 28, 1977 <br />ing the City a luncheon meeting to discuss the Safe Drinking Water Act has been <br />scheduled for March 9, 1977 at the Town Crier Restaurunt,in Fridley. It was sugg- <br />ested Mr. Volk call for whatever information he can obtain before going to the <br />meeting. <br />..The Statement of Assurances that must be signed in conjunction with Entitlement <br />period Eight of the Federal Revenue Sharing was considered. Mr. Schneider felt this <br />matter should be discussed with the Auditor. Mr. Schneider said he had talked <br />with Mr. Anfinson about going through the audit report with the Council. Mr. An- <br />finson preferred a special meeting rather than trying to discuss this at a regular <br />Council meeting. Mr. Schneider moved to set March 7, 1977 at 8:00 P.M. for a spec- <br />ial meeting with the auditor to consider the audit report and the Federal Revenue <br />Sharing requirements. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Mr. Short had called in reference to the hearing scheduled before the Physical <br />Development Committee on March 3, 1977 asking if the City would approve the re- <br />scheduling of this hearing until March 17, 1977. It seems that the agendas of both <br />March 3 and March 10 are filled and it was felt there would be more time for the <br />City to present their plans at the March 17th meeting. In relationship to this, <br />Mr. McLean read that portion of the System Statement that deals with the proposed <br />open space on Otter Lake and Bald Eagle Lake and the plans for that area. It stated <br />that Lino Lakes had been approached for the releasing of these lands for open <br />space. Mr. McLean said he had talked with Mr. Ranta after the meeting on the 23rd <br />and had informed him of the agreement this City has with Anoka County Open Space <br />and also telling him there has been no contact with Ramsey County Open Space on <br />this matter. Mr. McLean will keep the Council informed of any developments in this <br />area. <br />..Municipal fines in the amount of #391.00 had been received for the month of <br />January; <br />..Anoka County had reimbursed the City a total of $67.65 for gopher bounty; <br />..Metropolitan Waste Control reimbursement for sewage hauling for January in the <br />amount of $874.00 had been received. <br />..Mr. Arnold Kelling, Lino Lakes Assessor, had written a letter stating some things <br />he felt necessary for the Assessor's position. Mrs. Marjorie Roisum, 888 Birch <br />Street, is currently assisting Mr. Kelling. Mr. Kelling requested the purchase of <br />a simple calculator without a tape. He also set forth some school costs: that he <br />felt should be paid by the City. Mr. McLean asked who the Dupty Assessor is at <br />this time and Mayor Bohjanen said Mrs. Marjorie Roisum is currently assisting Mr. <br />Kelling. There was discussion on this with Mr. McLean suggesting this matter be <br />clarified by Council action. Mr. Zelinka moved to withdraw approval of Mr. Gene <br />Mobley as Deputy Assessor. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimouly. <br />..In conjunction with this same matter, Mayor Bohjanen asked the Clerk to read <br />a letter he had received from Mr. John Tufts of 7th Avenue. Mr. Tufts is currently <br />employed by the FHA as a housing inspector. He offered to assist the City as a <br />temporary building inspector for three months or so. This would be if the current <br />building inspector is unable to do his work due to health problems. This letter <br />is to be put on file for future reference. <br />..Mr. Schneider asked to discuss the problem on LaMotte Drive. Mr. Timmers had <br />called to say Mr. Luger was pumping raw sewage out on the street. Mr. Mobley was <br />to have checked this out but had not. <br />
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