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05/23/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/23/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />GJ <br />May 23, 1977 <br />of Federal Unemployment Compensation laws. Mr. Neisen recommended that the City <br />remain with the reimbursement plan as we are now doing. The Council agreed. <br />..Noted receipt of $204.50 of Municipal fines. <br />..The Clerk read a letter confirming a meeting scheduled for May 31, 1977 with <br />Robert Rental Planner Metro Council. This meeting was later cancelled by MR. <br />Rants until some agreement is reached with John Boland, Chairman Metro Council. <br />The meeting was for the purpose of discussing the systems statement in areas <br />other than the areas not agreed upon by Metro Council. <br />Mr. Karth suggested that the Clerk start collecting all the materials regarding <br />this problem of meeting with Mr. Boland with the idea .that the situation may <br />be brought to the Governors attention. <br />Mr. McLean suggested that we contact Mr. Rants and ask that he give us his <br />position in writing on the systems statement. <br />..Noted receipt of a letter and test results from the Minnesota Department of <br />Health regarding our Municipal Water supply. <br />..Noted receipt of a letter from the Department of Natural Resources indicating <br />that Mr. Cyril Le Casse's request for a permit for an irrigation well granted. <br />He was denied permission to pipe the water to another area. <br />..Noted receipt of a questionnaire from the Office of the Secretary of the <br />Treasury, Anitrecission Fiscal Assistance Special Report. Mayor Bohjanen <br />signed the form and asked the Clerk to return it to the proper office. <br />Mr. Karth did not have a road report. <br />Mr. Schneider's Report. <br />Mr. Schneider reported that the Advisory Beard of the Minnesota Metropolitan <br />Training Center will meet every other month during the summer. He will ask Mr. <br />Zantek to appear at the next Council meeting to update the Council on the remodeling <br />of this facility as well as the type of residents that will be transported there. <br />The Boy Scouts decided not to conduct the preliminary census and Chief Myhre and <br />several volunteers are in the process of conducting the census. The census is <br />three fourths completed. <br />Mr. Schneider said he would have a cash flow report for the next Council meeting. <br />He will also have further information about the Federal Revenue Sharing plan and <br />the park dedicated funds. <br />The Park Board met May 16, 1977. The Board considered W. Volk's proposal for an <br />electrical outlet at Sunrise Park. There will be further information on this. <br />W. Schneider is to talk to Mrs. LaFond regarding the placement of a chain link <br />fence. W. Volk was directed to repair the playground equipment at Sunrise and Lino <br />Parks. The Board briefly considered the Environmental aspect of their Board. They <br />will consider this matter further at the June meeting. <br />W. McLean asked if new plats are being directed to th Park Board. Mr. Schneider <br />said not yet but he has asked W. Gourley, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board <br />to attend the next Park Board meeting to further discuss this matter. <br />
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