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07/25/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/25/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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July 25, 1977 <br />with one exception. Discussion of the cost of a feasibility study - Mayor Bohjanen <br />asked if this could be charged to the petitioners? Mr. Locher said, Yes, if there <br />is 100% of the owners signatures. <br />Mr. Gotwald said he had advised this petitmons be presented in this matter in order to <br />get all the land owners together for an informal meeting. He is not suggesting the City <br />order a complete study. He felt the City could act in the role of an administrator <br />in this matter. Mr. Gotwald was asked for an approximate cost and he said about $50.00. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the flow direction involved more costs and Mr. Gotwald felt there <br />is a possibility of sewering these lots to the South. This would just be an informal <br />hearing before the Council with all the present owners with no cost estimate for in- <br />stallation. The Council felt this would be a question that would be asked and Mr. Got - <br />Wald said he could give them a figure that other systems being constructed are using. <br />The petitioners must obtain the missing signature and it will then only be necessary to <br />send cards of notifications - publication is not necessary. <br />Mr. McLean moved to direct the Engineer to make a preliminary feasibility study. Se- <br />conded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk is to inform the pet- <br />itioners that the remaining signature is necessary and to send notices to all owners <br />setting the informal hearing for August 22, 1977 at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Karth so moved. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Public Hearing for Shenadoah 111 was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. <br />Mr. Locher read the legal publication setting forth the time and place and including <br />the legal description of the lands to be platted. <br />Mr. McLean presented the corrected map incorporating the suggested changes by the <br />Planner and Engineer. There is no dedicated park lands in this plat therefore the <br />City would accept money in leiu of land. <br />Mr. Locher said he had made a change in the legal description and has forwarded to the <br />County. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if there should be some consideration of requiring the completion <br />of Shenandoah 1 and 11 before expanding into the third plat? Mr. McLean said the Council <br />has no means for controlling the amount of lands platted. <br />The walkway to the West was discussed. This is to be used for drainage pruposes with <br />an eye toward the possibility of a gate at this point if and when the Anoka County <br />Open Space is fenced. <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein suggested that instead of assessing each plat so much per acre of land <br />for money in leiu of land for parks, the Council consider a flat amount per lot. This <br />would equialize the costs to the developers and the costs would be known immediately. <br />Mr. Reljbein said in some communities, the charge is $50.00 per lot up to $150.00 per <br />lot and this is paid on issuance of a building permit. This would be collected on <br />all permits and would include the lands being built on that are not a part of a plat. <br />There was some discussion on this matter with the general acceptance -by the Council. <br />Mr. Schneider asked at what point this would become effective and was told at the <br />time the Ordinance is amended. This can be done by Resolution. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the preliminary plat of Shenandoah 111 subject to letters <br />from Anoka County Highway Department, DNR and Rice Creek Watershed Board. Seconded by <br />Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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