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09/29/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/29/1969 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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There was discussion on costs of the bond issue. Enough would be bonded to pay <br />the first two years interest. The fee for Springsted, Inc. would be $1600; the <br />cost for bond counsel is estimated to be $250. There will also be costs for <br />stationery and postage. <br />It was the Council's opinion that the 1970 tax rate would be under 60 mills. Mr. <br />Cardinal moved to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. All Aye. <br />The September 25, 1969 minutes were approved at the rn eting of October 13, 1969. <br />c <br />Clerk-Treasurer <br />A special informal meeting held with representatives of Springsted, Inc., was called <br />to order at 8:30 p.m. on September 29, 1969. Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Cardinal, and <br />Mr. L'Allier were present. Mr. Rosengren was reached by telephone and stated he <br />would crane later. Mr. Bohjanen could not be reached by phone. It was noted that <br />the meeting had been announced at the regular meeting on September 22nd. <br />Mr. Lyle Ricklefs and Mr. Tom Strand were present from the firm. Mr. Ricklefs <br />stated that they had done some preliminary work on the bond issue and had come to <br />the conclusion that putting out a brochure prior to the election would not be best. <br />He felt that since there seemed to be no particular objection to the bond issue, <br />that a hard -sell campaign would only raise questions and opposition. He suggested <br />that either a sheet be mailed or passed out, and that a short letter signed by the <br />Mayor and Council be sent out. <br />There was discussion on the cost of the building; it was noted that taxes couldn't <br />be levied immediately. Any excess between the cost and the $100,000 issue could be <br />used to draw interest at 8 %. It was thought better not to, put these facts on the <br />sheet as long as there was no planned opposition to the issue. <br />They suggested that a short letter be written out and signed by all Council members, <br />this would be mailed out a week or so before the election. Springsted will print <br />the letter on our letterhead and stuff the envelopes. The Clerk was instructed to <br />have 1000 letterhead and envelopes printed up to be sent directly to Springsted. <br />Mr. Strand inquired whether Lino Lakes had a bulk mailing permit. This might pose <br />some problem since we are served by five post offices. <br />It was decided to wait until voter registration was completed to see how many letters <br />would be needed since it was only necessary to send it to registered voters. It <br />was decided that 500 colored sheets with a notation on voter registration would be <br />made up to be passed out at the office and some public places. <br />Springsted will draft a short letter; Mr. Ricklefs will call the Mayor for proof- <br />reading; the dorrections, if any, will be made and the letter will then be sent to <br />the Council for signing. They will then print it on our letterhead and stuff the <br />envelopes. Mr. Jaworski will round up some gals to address the envelopes. <br />Mr. Ricklefs stated that the eights of December would be the sale date if the bond <br />issue is approved. The bids can then be opened that evening at a regular meeting. <br />He estimated that the money would be available after the first of the year. There <br />is no legal limit on how fast the money is spent. <br />Mr. L'Allier told the gentlemen that we had authorized Mr. Locher to do the necessary <br />legal work on the bonding; that Mr. Locher will then contact and authorize a known <br />bond counsel to finish the work. This was okay by Mr. Ricklefs who explained that <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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