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11/05/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/05/1969 Council Minutes
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20 <br />Mr. Rosengren mentioned that it had been suggested that an indoor shooting <br />range for target practice could perhaps be italled at a later time. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the report of the election judges and to certify <br />the winners as follows: <br />Mayor - -Ralph M. L'Allier <br />Trustees William I. Bohjanen and Ronald J. Jaworski <br />Constable -- Virgil F. Lundberg <br />Seconded by_Mr. Rosengren. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the results of the election on the bond issue- - <br />namely that the question passed. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that he would like to get some books on equipment to put in <br />the new building. He has been contacted by at least four different companies <br />which put up metal buildings. There was discussion on various buildings which <br />have been seen by Council members. Mr. Rosengren mentioned the new type of <br />infra -red plate heaters which burn gas without a flame and which would be quite <br />useful when working on road equipment in cold weather. <br />Jaworski moved to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. Seconded by <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of November 10, 1969 <br />. Rosengren. Aye. <br />lerk Treasurer <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on November 10, 1969 was <br />called to order at 8:07 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier. Trustees present were Mr. Cardinal, <br />Mr. Rosengren and Mr. Bohjanen. Absent was Mr. Jaworski. The Engineer was also <br />present. <br />Corrections were made and seconded to the minutes of the October 27th meeting <br />and the special November 5th meeting. <br />Mr. Clifford Beckwith, Commander of Circle -Lex VFW Post 6583, was present to <br />request an on -sale club liquor license and a cigarette license for their post at <br />the new address of 7870 Lake Drive. Mr. Beckwith stated that the post had been <br />in existence for 12 years and was incorporated, also that they carried compre- <br />hensive and liability insurance and have a national bond. The members are limited <br />to two guests by the national by -laws. He stated that the Auxiliary would serve <br />food, and inquired about a Sunday liquor license. Mr. Locher will check with ,the <br />state on this. Mr. Locher also stated that any dances the VFW would hold would <br />be classified as restricted under Ordinance No. 12. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to grant to Circle -Lex VFW Post 6583 a cigarette license and <br />an on -sale club license with the stipulation that the following proofs are pro- <br />vided to the Clerk and approved by the Attorney: 1) certificate of liquor liability <br />insurance in the minimum amounts of $10,000, 20,000, and $5,000; 2) a 55000 <br />surety bond; 3) articles of incorporation and charter showing that the club has <br />been in existence at least 10 years; on the Attorney's opinion, that this club <br />license would not count toward the number of regular on -sale liquor licenses. <br />Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren mentioned that it was necessary that a constable be on hand at any <br />dances; Mr. Beckwith stated that one of the deputies, now authorized through the <br />Circle Pines police, would be on duty at any dances. It was noted thatthe club <br />license would come due on July 1, 1970. <br />
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