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06/22/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/22/1970 Council Minutes
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12/22/2014 3:58:07 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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It was noted that our taxes are so high because of the schools and no supporting <br />IIIindustry. Mr. Leone stated that unless the Legislature apportions money from some <br />other source, the taxes on residential areas will stay high. He strongly urged that <br />people eontaot their Legislators and make plenty of noise. <br />Mr. Leone stated that the assessed valuation in Lino Lakes will go up about 40% in <br />1970. Also, the school assessment' will go.up more too. There was considerable dis- <br />cussion on the Green Acres Law and how one qualifies for deferred payments under it. <br />Mr. Leone mentioned that land under Green Acres does not increase in assessed value <br />although the buildings on such land do. <br />There was considerably more discussion on various items. Mr. Leone stated that under <br />Green Acres a farm, after a few years, is only liable for the tax difference for the past <br />3 years when it is sold or no longer used as farm land. Mr. Leone also explained the <br />State's method of levying a flat percentage increase in all property values in a munici- <br />pality in order to raise its values to par with the rest of the County. <br />Upon questioning by Mayor L'Allier, Mr. Leone stated that the County only goes in to do <br />the assessment if the Assessor does not.have the work done by the due date. He stated <br />that Mrs. Sarver has had her work in on time. He thought our assessed value might be up <br />by 480 -50% due to lots of new construction. The Clerk was asked to contact the Assessor's <br />Office for data. <br />airs. Sarner stated that she felt the Airport was.needed in order to lower our taxes. It <br />was noted that Anoka County was shunned when it cane to Metro items, as well as high rent <br />areas, etc. There was discussion on future Metro Park plans; Mr. L'Allier stated that, <br />IIIMetro will allow Reshanau Lake to be developed. <br />After more general discussion, Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Rosengren disowned with Mr. Leone a <br />problem on a 10! strip purchased by Mrs. Marie Gunderson. It was acknowledged that the <br />property was taxed high in 1968 since it had not yet been -split and was worth more. Mrs. <br />Sarner stated that the strip should be combined with Mrs. Gunderson's property and <br />homesteaded. <br />The Mayor and Councilmen signed the forms certifying the assessment. Mr. Bohjanen moved <br />to close the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />N ■ ■ ■ N -- ■■■ <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on June 22, 1970, was called <br />to order at 8:03 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to accept the June 8th minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk presented beer and danoe applications -which were turned over to Attorney Locher <br />for approval. A letter from NSP stating that the requested street lights had been <br />installed as of June 1 had been received. The Clerk reported that sales tax monies in the <br />amount of $12,321.08 had been received; $5,000 of this goes to Roads & Bridges Fund. <br />The affidavits of publication on the building bid had been received from Forest Lake <br />IIITimes and Construction Bulletin. <br />A letter from the County concerning the tax - forfeit parcels to be put up for sale was <br />considered. Mr. Rosengren stated that he and Mr. Gotwald had looked at the lots in <br />
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