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08/03/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/03/1970 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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The special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on August` 3,' 1970, <br />was called to order by Mayor L'Allier with Trustees Jaworski, Bohjanen, and <br />Rosengren present. Absent was Mr. Cardinal. Also present were Attorney Locher, <br />members of the Building Committee: John McLean and Roy Becklin, end'Art Hagen, <br />representing Mattson Building & Supply Company. <br />Mr, Bohjanen moved to waive the posting of this meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier mentioned the purpose of the meeting being to award the contract, sign <br />necessary contract papers, and to clarify certain areas such as panelling, etc. <br />Samples of wood panelling 1/4" thick were passed around and examined. Ni. Hagen said <br />with 10' ceilings there will have to be an extra piece put in; 2' height all around <br />with 8' at the top. <br />A motion was made by Mr. Rosengren and seconded by Mr. Bohjanen to use Orleans Oak <br />panelling for the Council chambers and all other offices and hall would be Tampico. <br />Cherry panelling. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Samples of insulated mapas panels to be used above and below the windows were shown in <br />three colors; namely, grey, red, and tan and also different samples of brick, After <br />considerable discussion, Mr. Bohjanen made a motion for Chicago Used Brick to be used <br />with the tan panels above the windows. Motion seconded by-Mi. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Formica samples were passed around and examined next. After some deliberation on <br />ehoosing the formica, Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that olive green formica (No. 866) be <br />used for counter tops. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Hagen also had some samples of Marlite (plastic finished panelling) which were <br />shown. He mentioned that they don't use a lot of Marlite because it is pretty <br />expensive. If this kind of panelling were used in the 3 rest rooms, there would be <br />an additional cost of $545. Mr. L'Allier thought we would wait until later and <br />decide whether or not we would want to use this panelling or something else in the <br />rest rooms. The vanity in the *omens' bathroom will be stained wood. <br />Mr. Hagen suggested that some fellows go to the building site and find out where the <br />lot lines are for placement of the building. Mr. Backlin and Mr. Rosengren agreed to <br />doing this the following morning. <br />There were a couple of items Mir. Hagen wanted to clarify it the July 16 minutes; <br />namely, that Mattson will use 1" styrofoam around the footings instead of 3" <br />styrofoam and that they won't level the ground after the Work is completed. <br />Mr. Carley arrived at 9:40 with the contract. He mentioned they had looked it over <br />and the agreement was standard.' <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Hagen if the trim was all finished and he said if the owner <br />wants the contractor to paint the sheet rock for all rooms with two coats of paint <br />and stain the doors and trim, there would be an additional' charge. There is nothing <br />around the windows to worry abouit; the outside steel doors come white aluminum framed; <br />doors on the sides come white. Art mentioned that they use all heavy -duty cast iron <br />pipe under the floor and they will go 5' outside the building with the sewer line. <br />He also mentioned that when he gets the price from the plumbing people, all inspection <br />fees are included as far as the State is concerned. <br />
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