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09/23/1970 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/23/1970 Council Minutes
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12/23/2014 11:59:32 AM
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Council Minutes
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It was decided to stop at the'end of general fund. The Clerk mentioned that <br />III nothing had been heard from Lexington on a re- negotiated fire contract. W. <br />Jaworski moved to send a check for the amount previously determined for the second <br />half of the contract. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Jaworski moved to adjourn at 10:02 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. All voted <br />aye. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of October 13, 197 <br />Clerk - Treasurer <br />The second special budget meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was held on <br />September 24, 1970. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier <br />with all members present as well as Mr. Waldemar Hill. <br />Prior to budget work, W. Rosengren inquired what price should be set on our old <br />truck with plow and wing. Circle Pines is in need of a truck immediately and we <br />would like to sell the truck outright rather than trade it in. After discussion, <br />in which the figures $1500 to $1700 predominated, Mr. Rosengren was told to get <br />estimates from several dealers first. <br />Mr. Hill stated that our total assessed valuation was now $1,691,000.00 accord- <br />ing to the County Assessor. <br />A revised first contract price from Lexington had just been received showing the <br />new total cost to be $4,036.00 for 1971. It was mentioned that Centerville would <br />like to raise their charges also. A total of $7,200 was alloted for 1971 fire con- <br />tracts. <br />Requested equipment such as radios, towers and a new truck for the Civil Defense <br />was discussed. It was Mr. Hill's opinion that radio based in the new building <br />should be paid out of General Fund since it would be used by all departments. The <br />total amount alloted to Civil Defense was $4,300. <br />Mr. Jaworski listed several items which the Park Board would like to purchase <br />including two benches; they would like to have a street light placed at Sunrise <br />Park. W. Jaworski's original requests were trimmed down for a total of $14,800 <br />alloted for Parks and Playgrounds. <br />There was considerable discussion on the Roads and Bridges Fund. Mr. Rosengren <br />stated that they would have a surplus this year as the construction costs would <br />reach a maximum of $12,000 and the snow removal costs had been less than anticipated. <br />The subject of a full -time man was debated; Mr. Rosengren felt that 1.full -time <br />man and 1 part -time man at least would be needed. An amount of $16,500 for Roads <br />payroll was alloted; $68,400 for Roads altogether was decided upon. It was decided <br />to place $10,000 of the sales tax receipts in the Roads & Bridges Fund. <br />There was considerable discussion on the amount to levy for the payment of interest <br />on the municipal building bond for 1971. It was decided to transfer $5,000 from <br />the present Debt Fund into the Building Debt Fund. The Clerk was instructed to <br />check with the bank to see if the $2,000 owing on the present bond might be paid <br />off and what the penalty might be. Also, capitalized interest will produce <br />
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