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2/22/71 <br />279 <br />Seconded by W. Bohjanen. Mr. Jaworski inquired whether Moline had contacted <br />the Highway Dept. about Lilac Street being a 9 ton road. They had not, <br />but it was the concensus of the Council that a road used under those loads <br />would be repaired to handle same. The vote on the motion was unanimously <br />in favor. Mr. Gotwald will be asked to make 2 copies of the plans which <br />were corrected by the Planner. Molin was instructed to get the Engineer's <br />approval, then approval from the Planner, and finally to call either the <br />Clerk or the Building Inspector for authorization to get the building permit. <br />They plan to start construction the middle of April. The building will <br />involve 8.2 acres; the estimated value of the building and equipment will <br />be about $1 Million. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that Mr. Locher still, had the Zoning Classification; he <br />has been ill and hes had no chance to get together with the Planner and the <br />Engineer yet on this. <br />Mr. Cardinal presented written recommendations from the Personnel Commission <br />regarding hiring a full- time:man and contracting for janitor service. The <br />date of March2nd at 8 P.M. was set for an informal meeting before the Council <br />to discuss the recommendations and the Deputy Clerk applications with the <br />Personnel Commission. The Clerk will send copies of the applications to the <br />Commission members prior to the meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski stated that the Park Board had met on Feb 15th and had discussed <br />the Metro Parks proposal. Mr. Jaworski moved to allow the Planner to attend <br />the next Park Board meeting on March 15th to discuss coordination of park <br />plans. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />W. L'Allier noted that at the special meeting held on Feb. 16th concerning <br />the Metro Park proposal, that it had been the consensus of the Council <br />members to authorize the Planner to with the Anoka County Park Planner, <br />the Chairman of our Park Board and Metro Council members to talk about <br />excluding some areas along the freeway, Hwy 49 and Birch St.; they had <br />felt that some of the land should be set up for park purposes. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved to authorize the above - mentioned persons to meet with the Metro Council <br />and to report back. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. Mr. <br />Jaworski will set up a special meeting with the Council to report on the <br />results of the park meeting. The Clerk will notify the persons involved <br />when the date has been set. Mr. L'Allier felt that we should hurry on this <br />since the Legislature is moving on proposals for reimbursement of such lands <br />taken from municipalities. <br />Mr. Rosengren had no report on roads. He mentioned that he had contacted <br />someone on prices for a second had gas. pump, tank and air compressor, and <br />would have the prices later this week. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that the C&BDC had had no meeting since the, Open House. <br />There had been a good turnout for the affair. He wished to have a letter <br />sent to the Circle -Lex VFW thanking them for the flag donation. Mr. Bohjanen <br />felt that the Council should consider the purchase of more folding chairs. <br />Mr. Rosengren will look into prices on stacking chairs. <br />W. Bohjanen stated that Iry Zastrow had made an estimate on installing <br />wooden panels on the front of the Council table. Mr. Zastrow stated that <br />he would fasten 2 temporary wooden panels on the brace under the table for a <br />cost of $25. Mr. Bohjanen moved to have Mr. Zastrow install two 16" panels <br />