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01/29/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/29/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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The special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on January 29, 1968, <br />was called to order at 8:12 PM by Mayor Ralph L'Allier. Present: Mr. L'Allier, <br />Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Cardinal. <br />A letter from Judge Ivars Krafts of the Municipal Court was read. He is requesting <br />a raise in salary for the Chief Clerk (now getting $2.25/hr.) and the Deputy Clerk <br />(at $2.00 /hr) of 25O to 50¢ /hr. <br />A letter from Milner W. Carley & Assoc. was read, proposing a raise in their rates <br />to $25 per meeting besides slight hourly increases for other services. Mr. Bohjanen <br />moved that the Council take care of this business at the next regular meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski, carried. <br />The minutes of the Special meeting of the P&Z held on Jan. 24 were read, con- <br />cerning the request of Mr. Ken Rehbein to grant a variance on a piece of property <br />on Main Street. The P&Z recommended that the Council grant this variance. <br />Mr. William Bohjanen moved that the Lino Lakes Village Council issue a variance <br />to Mr. Ken Rehbein of El Rehbein & Son, Inc., upon the recommendation of the P&Z <br />on the following described property: <br />One (1) acre: The easterly 208 feet of the Westerly 928 feet <br />of the Southerly 208 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Sec. 3, <br />T 31, R22, subject to County State Aid No. 14. <br />Seconded by Mr. Andrew Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that we pay the $1000 owing on Park Improvement Bond #4 with <br />interest of $17.50 and the $17.50 interest due on Bond #5 to the First State Bank <br />of Coon Rapids. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen, carried. <br />The Clerk was instructed to call Mr. Locher regarding the Special Sunday Liquor <br />License issued to Nathe Bros., Inc. since a letter from the State Liquor Control <br />Commissioner states that all liquor licenses in any one municipality shall expire <br />at the same time; therefore the license should be reissued for six months at a fee <br />of $100; this to be done by the next meeting. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported a conflicting meeting with the Watershed on February 21st. <br />Mr. Cliff Ross asked permission for the slo -pitch league to use both ballparks <br />on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 -9 PM starting May 1; also that the Village <br />erect a few benches and allow them to use the snow -fence backing. Granted. <br />Discussion followed on the possibilities of charging the NW Citizen's Band Assoc. <br />rental each night per trailer during their proposed stay in August. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski, Carried. 8:50 PM. <br />BILLS: <br />1801 First State Bank of Coon Rapids Park Bond #4 $1035.00 <br />&Int. on #4 & #5 <br />1802 U.S. Postmaster Stamps 12.00 <br />1803 State Treas. PERA 10 -67 to 1 -68 228.94 <br />1804 State Treas. PERA (Jack Rector 7 -67) 4.94 <br />Minutes approved meeting of February 13, l968%"1 1i� =�E Y� - ,Clerk <br />
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