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02/21/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/21/1968 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order at 9:47 PM <br />on February 21, 1968, following the regular P&Z meeting. All present except Mr. <br />Rosengren. <br />The first order of business concerned the request of Acton Construction Co. to rezone <br />their property near 35E & Main St. from residential-farming to commercial. Mr. <br />Bohjanen moved that the Council waive the requirement of a petition with 2/3 of <br />adjacent property - owners signatures and authorize the calling of a special meeting on <br />March 11, 1968, for a special hearing for rezoning, pending the printing of the legal <br />notices in the Blaine Life and the posting of the notices by the Building Inspector. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Discussion of the requested rezoning of the Harris brothers property followed. Mr. <br />Ray Harris stated that no definite time for the development could be given as this <br />is dependent upon market studies and progress of the freeway and adjacent developments. <br />The access to this project will be on Main St., with the commercial sites acting as a <br />buffer zone to the residential. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that the Council hereby pass a resolution to adopt new Ordinance <br />6G as published in the Blaine Life and as posted pursuant to the affidavits signed by <br />the Building Inspector. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Discussion of Mr. Kluglman's requests followed. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the Council adopt new Ordinance 6F as published in the Blaine <br />Life and as posted pursuant to the affidavits signed by the Building Inspector. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that the Council pass a resolution to issue a special use permit <br />to Mr. Kluglman to construct, maintain and operate, according to law a saddle club and <br />riding arena and necessary structures on the lands situated in the Village of Lino <br />Lakes and which are described as follows: The Southeast quarter of the Southwest <br />quarter (SE 1/4 of SW 1/4) of Section 28, Township 31, Range 22, Anoka County, Minn. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal, Carried. <br />The Clerk was instructed to compute the time required to complete work on rezoning <br />requests and special use permits so that the charges might be more realistic. At <br />present the charge is $40 for rezoning and $25 for special use permits. <br />Discussion of Mrs. Rose LeTourneau's request to move in a house followed, as well <br />as to whether her land should be rezoned to commercial as her horses kept thereon <br />are used for commercial purposes. The P&Z had denied her request as the house does <br />not meet specifications. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the Council go according to the Planning and Zoning Board's <br />recommendation and not allow Mrs. LeTourneau to move her house in as the house does <br />not meet the criteria in the building ordinances. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Vote: <br />Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Cardinal and Mr. L'Allier, aye; Mr. Bohjanen, who stated that he <br />felt, along with the Bldg.Inspector, that the house could be brought up to standard's, <br />no. Carried. The Clerk will srite a letter to Mrs. LeTourneau of the decision and give <br />reasons; carbon copies to Dale Movers, attn. Mr. Dale Peterson and Mr. Charles <br />Weaver, her attorney. Copies will also be sent to Mr. Locher and the Council members. <br />There was some discussion on slight changing of the building ordinances. Mr. <br />Locher was asked to obtain copies of model ordinances regarding the minimum parking <br />areas for apartment buildings. <br />
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