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03/11/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/11/1968 Council Minutes
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There was discussion on the matter of the CD jackets not being delivered by Uniforms <br />Unlimited. Check #1695 written to them is still out. <br />Mr. Locher will check with the PERA on the Village's outstanding contributions. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that the light at the St. Joseph's Church was moved out near <br />the street previously. The Village is now paying for this light. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported on the March 6 C&BDC meeting. He also stated that the Water- <br />shed Assn. of Fridley seemed to want a change of plans in having the County Commis- <br />sioners handle the Rice Creek problem rather than the Legislature. <br />The State Hwy Dept. turned down the locating of our sign at the junction of Hwys 8 <br />and 49. The county has offered the use of their right -of -way along North Road and <br />it was decided to put the sign at the corner of Hwy 8 and North Road. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that St. Joseph's Church wants complete plans for work to be <br />done on Sunrise, so no work can be done on it yet. He also reported that the County <br />will furnish a culvert on 80th. <br />Mr. Backlin reported that vandals had taken down a sign at the Domning corner, and <br />that there is no Stop sign on Lakeview and Sunrise at North Road and street signs are <br />also missing. Mr. Rosengren will contact the engineering firm to replace the sign and <br />landscape the dirt piles at the location. A list of culverts and signs needed is <br />being made. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved that the Village install "Children Playing ", "Slow ", and "20 mph" <br />speed signs on Baldwin Lake Road. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mrs. Bohjanen <br />asked whether 30 mph wasn't the legal state limit and if the police could enforce a <br />lower limit. Mr. Locher will check. Mr. L'Allier instructed the police to enforce <br />the 20 mph signs. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that there will be another meeting with Mr. Maurice Chandler on <br />March 28, He asked the Council and the P&Z to be present. <br />Mr. L'Allier also reported on the hearing held by the Minn. Water Control Commission <br />on March 6 regarding Forest Lake's request. Forest Lake had stated that it would cost <br />them some $297,000 to divert their effluent to the Sunrise River. The case was taken <br />under advisement. <br />It was mentioned that Mr. Harold Hansen had not yet sent a legal description of his <br />roadway to Mr. Gotwald. <br />Mention was made of the Metropolitan Airport Commission hearings to be held on April 22, <br />regarding possible building of an airport north of the Cities in the near future. <br />Mr. Bohjenen suggested that Lino Lakes hold a joint meeting with Blaine on this sub- <br />ject or to discuss it at the Anoka County Assn. of the League of Municipalities on <br />March 27th. <br />The police report for Feb. as follows: 36 radio calls, 3 burglaries, 6 tickets, <br />9 escapees from the Youth Cnter involving four hours time, travelled 1161 miles. <br />Hours: Mr. Raymond, 55 hr, Mr. West, 55 hrs., and Mr. Myhre 45 hrs. There had been <br />no complaints at the public police meeting. <br />Mr. Locher reported that according to the St. Paul papers, Mr. Albertson has presented <br />a bill which would require prosecution now handled on retainers by the Villages to be <br />bendled by the County Attorney's office. This would be much more profitable for the <br />village, also the County has more investigative power. He will write Mr. Albertson <br />for details. <br />
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