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04/29/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/29/1968 Council Minutes
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1 <br />and that the special use permit be held before the Council at the regular meeting <br />on May 27th. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Mrs. Howard was asked to write <br />a letter of intent with dates for completion of various stages of clean -up and <br />construction and to submit plans to the Village Engineer before the May 13 meeting. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Johnson and their attorney Mr. Christopherson were present to <br />again request a building permit for their property off Baldwin Lake.Road. They <br />stated that they had been present in Jan. 68 to ask for same and Mr. Cardinal had <br />referred them to the Building Inspector for a permit. Mr. Cardinal stated that he <br />had not been informed about the 20' easement at that time. The stipulations on <br />the Stromberg's special use permit were read; it bad been granted because it had <br />been assumed that the St. Paul Waterworks Department would sell their roadway to <br />the Village and these people would have access to that road. Much discussion ensued <br />with Mr. Bohjanen Savoring issuance of the variance and still trying to obtain a <br />roadway. Mr. Locher stated that this would not be setting a 'precedent if all the <br />variations are set forth in the list of reasons. Mr. L'Allier felt that the seller <br />involved should be asked to the next meeting to see if they would sell enough <br />property to make up a 60' roadway. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that a variance be issued to the Johnsons to issue building <br />permits on their property off of Baldwin Lake Road. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Vote: aye--Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Jaworaki, n8-Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Rosengren and <br />Mr. L'Allier. Motion did not carry. Thereupon, Mr. Rosengren moved that the <br />Council contact the Strombergs and other neighbors with property next to Johnson's <br />to meet along with Mr. Backlin and the Engineer at the site on Miry 2 after 8 PM <br />for the purpose of obtaining additional roadway. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Rosengren will contact the owners to set up the meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier read a few summaries in the reports in the airport hearings on the <br />)461 22nd of April. The amount of land involved in Lino Lakes could amount to two <br />full sections. The Forest Lake School District had not been contacted by MAC; they <br />will hold off on the proposed expansion for Lino School until the decision on an <br />airport site is made. <br />Mr. Duane Klepel stated that he felt Lino Lakes should go on record as opposing the <br />airport because the whole village will change and homeowners will have a difficult <br />time selling their homes if the land is zoned commercial and the period of time <br />between rezoning and development is too great. Mr. Bohjanen felt that we should <br />ask for a continuance of hearings and later ask to recommend the Isanti site. Mr. <br />L'Allier wished to ask MAC once again for the Noise - contour charts superimposed <br />on a map of surrounding villages as this had not been received. <br />fir. Thorp in the audience stated that if the Isanti site were chosen Lino would be <br />in the pattern of growth without the noise. <br />Mr. Stright, a member of the Forest Lake School Board, stated that they had asked <br />a University field'study group to study the effect of the airport on the school <br />district. An 18 -room addition had been planned for the Lino School. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that Lino adopt the following resolution and present it in <br />letter form to be read into the minutes of the MAC hearing on April 30, 1968: <br />"The Village of Lino Lakeshereby requests a sixty (60) day continuance <br />commencing at the conclusion of the April 30th public hearing regarding <br />a second major airport in the Minneapolis -St. Foul metropolitan area. <br />
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