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06/10/1968 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/10/1968 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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44 <br />Minutes approved meeting of June 10, 1968 <br />Clerk <br />The regular meeting of the Village of Lino Lakes was called to order on June <br />10, 1968, at 8:15 P.M. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Seconded by <br />Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Acknowledgement was received from the County Attorney of the signing of the <br />Mutual Aid Agreement by Circle Pines. <br />The annual League of Minnesota Municipalities Convention was announced for <br />June 12 -14th. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that a license for on and off -sale 3.2 beer be issued for <br />Hank's Cafe with the stipulation that the notarization be completed. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Carried with Mr. Rosengren abstaining. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that a license for on and off 3.2 beer be issued to Annie <br />Ross providing that the application is notarized and signed and the fee turned <br />in. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that licenses for on and off 3.2 beer and dancing be issued <br />to Jimmie Aragon. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved that we approve the set -up license for Jimmie Aragon. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. L'Allier appointed Dan Waldoch to fill Kenneth Bryant's position on the <br />P&Z with term to expire in 1968. Mr. Rosengren moved that the appointment <br />of Dan Waldoch be ratified. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried.. <br />Mr. L'Allier appointed David Brovold to replace Duane Kiepel on the P&Z with <br />term expiring December 31, 1969. Mr. Bohjanen moved that the appointment of <br />David Brovold be ratified. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried. <br />The Personnel Committee minutes were read. Mr. Jaworski presented figures <br />showing that at the present wages for help and lease of Columbus grader a total <br />cost of $19,000 is shown compared to a total of $20,000 proposed cost of full - <br />time man and purchase of new grader from Ryan Company. (Figures taken from <br />1967 audit report.) <br />A letter was read from Ziegler Inc. offering to sell us a caterpillar grader <br />on a rental proposal for a period of sixty months with a standard warranty. <br />The rental rate would be $515 permonth, and would be on a five -year basis only. <br />After much discussion it was decided to take it under advisement and to t%jk <br />to additional grader operators to gather information on different makes of <br />motor graders. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved that we authorize Mr. Jaworski to have the attorney check <br />on the possibility of giving Civil Service tests for a full -time mar} in order <br />to set up standards and guarantees; also to check with the League of Minnesota <br />Municipalities. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. Mr. Bohjanen stressed that <br />the Personnel Commission was set up to be a grievance board for Village employees, <br />and if we place this person under union control the Personnel Commission going <br />to the union grievance board would be better than Civil Service Board. <br />
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