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05/15/1969 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/15/1969 Council Minutes
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12/29/2014 2:08:24 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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It ) <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was held on May 15, 1969.. <br />Called to order at 8:10 p.m., all members were present, Mr. Rosengren arriving <br />late. Also present were the Attorney and the Engineer. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed water and sewer franchises <br />presented by U.S. Lakes Development Co. for Lakes Addition #1, etc. at Reshanau <br />Lake. Those persons present for the company were Mr. Busch, the Attorney, Mr. <br />Dielentheis, Vice President and Mr. Jensen of Suburban Engineering. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to waive the notice of the special meeting as required by <br />Ordinance No. 20. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />It was stated that the Attorneys and Engineers of both the Village and U. S. <br />Lakes Development Co. had met previously to discuss questions on the proposed <br />franchises. <br />Mr. Locher read the letter written by Mr. Busch subsequent to this meeting, <br />giving the changes in wording which the attorney and the engineer had requested. <br />1) The company recognizes that approval will have to be secured from the <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency of its proposed sanitary sewer system before <br />it is constructed and put into operation. This requirement is intended to be within <br />the scope of the last two lines of part I of the proposed franchise agreement <br />and, also, a prerequisite to the Village's approval of the sanitary sewer system's <br />plans, specifications, and profiles as called for in part II of the agreement. <br />2) The company understands that the franchises that it is to receive from <br />the Village will be exclusive only to the extent permitted by law and part III <br />of each of the proposed franchise agreements is intended to be interpreted in <br />that manner. <br />3) In order to reserve to the Village the right to call for a special re- <br />pair bond for any repair project that involves damage to the village's roads <br />streets or alleys that has reasonably estimated restoration costs of more than <br />$2,500.00, the last sentence of part VIIof each of the proposed franchise agree -' <br />ments is to be revised so as to read in substance as follows: "Further, Company <br />shall provide -- (i) a bond to Village in the sum of $5,000 conditioned on <br />Company's duly repairing, replacing or restoring, as the case may be, any of the <br />Village roads, streets or alleys which Company might damage or into which it <br />might have to dig for the purpose of maintaining, replacing or repairing any pipes, <br />conduits or material; and (ii) ?.in each instance where the estimated cost of the <br />repairing, replacing or restoring of Village's roads, streets or alleys in <br />connection with any single maintenance, replacement or repair job of Company <br />exceeds $2,500, Company shall provide a bond to Village coverning that specific <br />job in the amount reasonably determined by the Village Engineer or the Village <br />Council to cover the expected costs of repairing, replacing or restoring Village's <br />roads, streets or alleys affected by such job, and such job shall not be commenced <br />until such special bond has been provided by Company to Village." <br />4) In order to provide for the determination of the schedule of rates by <br />a board of arbitration in the event that the village and the company are unable <br />to agree upon what constitutes a reasonable set of rates at any given time, and also, <br />for the purpose of specifically eliminating the possibility of including as al- <br />lowable charges against the company's operating income for rate making purposes <br />any compensation payments in excess ofreasonable compensation for survives <br />rendered to the company, it is suggested that part Xi of each of the franchise <br />agreements be changed to read in substance as follows: Company shall file with <br />Village, prior to the rendering of any statements to its customers, a schedule <br />of rates to be charged to its various classes of users, such rates to be fixed <br />and determined by Company so as not to produce more than a reasonable rate of <br />
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