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06/24/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06/24/1969 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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2()O, <br />3. Mrs. Dale Kolbow, Lakeview Avenue, stated she thought their taxes were <br />too high, but was informed by Mrs. Sarner that their home was not homesteaded on <br />the books, although the Kolbows thought this had been done. She was told to <br />contact the County Assessor's office. <br />4. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gates stated they were paying too much for taxes <br />and knew their home was Homesteaded. Mrs. Sarner felt this was correct and <br />thought this to be a clerical error at the County level. They were told to contact <br />the Assessors office and they could get a refund for excess taxes paid in 1968. <br />5. Mr. Vernon Lehman presented the problem of his mother -in -law, Mari <br />Gunderson, paying $52 taxes on five feet of land in Twilight Acres. She had <br />purchased five feet of additional land to add to her lot because her house was <br />too close to the lot line. Mrs. Sarner stated this was definitely a clerical <br />error and told Mr. Lehman to contact the Auditor's or Treasurer's office. <br />6. Mrs. Vivian Rehbein stated that she had purchaesd one acre with a <br />garage -like building on it next to her bus garage. The building had since <br />been removed and the one acre had been assessed at $2,862. She was told to get <br />a re- evaluation form from the County and they would send someone out to re- <br />assess the acre. <br />Mr. Schwartz then told the details of the Green Acres Law. (Form on file in <br />Clerk's office) This law is a tax deferment for farmers who are farming their <br />land but have been assessed at market value. If they meet all of the qualifica- <br />tions they could pay taxes on an agricultural level and have the market level <br />taxes defered until such time as they sell their land. <br />Mr. Schwartz stated that under a new law, starting June 1, 1970, new homeowners <br />could qualify to file Homestead for only half a year. They can do this by <br />filing an affidavit with his office. He also stated that new laws concerning <br />assessing are being made and these would be made available to the Village <br />ks,esor who in turn would make them available to the Council. <br />Pete Nadeau questioned about the time to complain of taxes that are too high. <br />Mr. Schwartz explained that this is done only in even - numbered years except for <br />personal property and new buildings. In 1970 the Council as the Board of Review <br />would have the power to either lower or raise the assessment of an individual. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to sign the tax review certification, seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of July 14, 1969 i(a Qi7„4„/ <br />Deputy Clerk <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on July 14, 1969 <br />was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present <br />except Mr. Bohjanen who is vacationing. <br />The lengthy minutes of the special June 17 meeting were read with the following <br />correction on page 6: paragraph 1, third line - -CPA should be PCA; third par- <br />agraph, next to last line - -cross out 'stated' insert 'asked is it your wishes', <br />delete 'would'. <br />
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