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Motion by Heckenliable, second by Backlin., to pay bills. All voted in favor. <br />Motion by !elling, second by Heckenliable, a Special Meeting on the Liquor Ordiaances <br />will be held on Monday, March 18, 1963, at 8:00 P.M.. All voted in favor. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Heckenliable, meeting be adjourned. All voted in favor. III <br />Minutes approved on March 25, 1963 <br />Special Meeting of the Council of Lino Lakes March 18, 1963 <br />CLERIC <br />Members present as follows: Mayor 'Ceiling; Trustee's Backlin, Heckenliable, Speiser <br />Clerk absent. <br />This special meeting was called to discuss the preparation of a liquor Ordinance for <br />the Tillage of Lino Lakes. <br />The Ordinance which will be Ordinance #31, was considered and the following changes <br />recommended. <br />Section 2, Sub. 4. Special licenses will be issued only to Bona Fide Clubs as <br />defined by Minnesota Statutes (340.11 -6) <br />Section 3, Sub. 2. A surety bond as required by the State Statutes as <br />follows -- off sale - $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 and on sale - $3,000.00 to <br />$5,000.00. <br />Motion by Speiser, second by Selling, Surety bond be set at maximum. All voted in <br />favor. Sub. Div. 2, be changed from 1945 to 1959 and change Chapter 313 to 540. <br />On motion by Heckenliable, second by Speiser, the Liablity Insurance, received by the <br />State of $10,000.00 and. $2 @,000.00 be required hp a- minimum. All voted in favor. <br />Section 4, Sub. 2. The licenses will expire on June 30 th of the year fol- <br />lowing issuance. Not to exceed one year regardless of day issued. <br />Section 4, Sub. 3. The license fee for and "On Sale" license was discussed <br />and on motion by 'Ceiling and second by Speiser, the following fees be set. <br />License for 1963 - -1964 - -- $1,500.00 <br />License for 1964 - -1965 - -- 1,750.00 <br />License for 1965 - -1966 - -- 2,000.00 <br />All voted in favor. <br />License fee for "Off Sale" as set by the State law to be $100.00. <br />Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, <br />Section 7, Sub. 4. The minimum of 1,000 feet be established for requirement <br />as to location Of license as regerds to schools and /or churches. <br />Acorrected Ordinance will be presented for acceptance at regular Council Meeting on <br />March 25, 1963. All other provisions of said Ordinances considered adequate. <br />1 <br />1 <br />