<br />- Netting of the Council of Lino Lakes on October 14, 1963
<br />Members present as follows: Mayor Yelling: Trustee's Backlin, Speiser, Heckenliable,
<br />and Clerk Hauer.
<br />Minutes of the preceding meeting werat -read and on motion by Facklin, second by Speiser, they
<br />be accepted a.s read. Carried.
<br />Minutes of the Special Meeting, October 1, 1963, were read and on motion by Heckenliable, III
<br />second by Backlin, they be accepted as read. Carried.
<br />Mayor Yellin;, read a. letter from Conrad Peterson, Head of Lino Lakes Youth Treatment Center,
<br />opposing the establishing of a Trailer Court near the Center.
<br />Motion by Backlini second by Yelling, the Council voted to inform Husnik that the Ma.tshand
<br />Lane Road, must meet the minimum standards before the Tillage takes over, and to invite him
<br />to the next meeting o discuss this. Carried.
<br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, to rent Ludwig's building for $100.00 per month, and
<br />fix it up ourselves. Carried.
<br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, to raise Road Budget $1,000.00 for a total of $22,400.00.
<br />Carried.
<br />Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, to raise Parks & Playgrounds Budget $500.00 for a total
<br />of $4,375.00. Carried.
<br />i3 tion by Backlin, second by Speiser, a budget of $36,690.00 be approved for 1964 of this
<br />amount, It WES resolved that the following sums of money be raised by tax upon the taxable
<br />property in said Village, for the following purposed, for the current year:
<br />General J'und
<br />Fire Protection
<br />Civil Defense
<br />Gopher Control
<br />Parks & Playgrounds
<br />Roads & Bridges
<br />All voted in favor.
<br />$5,005.00
<br />3,060.00
<br />200.00
<br />450.00
<br />4,375.00
<br />22,400.00
<br />Mr. Backlin, reported that the road work in Lakeview Addition has been completed, they are
<br />putting; up snow fenced, getting; plows ready, and graveling some drive ways.
<br />Mr. Speiser, reported that the; building in the Village Park will be completed this week.
<br />Motion by Neckenlieble, second by Yelling;, for Attorney to notify the owner of Lot x-11 to
<br />appear before the Council and explain his sub division of unplatted. land. Carried.
<br />Motion by Hekkenliable, second by Yelling, for Mr. Backlin, Trustee; Al Dupre, Building
<br />Inspector; and Glen Rehbein, member of the Planning Board; to check on distance between bus-
<br />iness of hank Rosengren and school. Carried.
<br />?lotion by Yelling, second by Speiser, to purchase 3 handbook's entitled "A Handbook for
<br />Minnesota Villages ", for Tillage use. Carried.
<br />Attorney Babcock reported on sub division of property.
<br />Motion by Yelling, second by Speiser, to accept the road work by LaYalle excavating, street III
<br />improvement 63 -1, in Twilight Acres for routing maintenance, but does not mean final
<br />completion. Carried.
<br />