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38 Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, to pay bills. Berried. <br />Potion by Backlin, second. by Heckenliable, to adjourn meeting. Carried. <br />Clerk <br />Minutes approved November 26, 1963 <br />Election Judge' for deys; Mrs. Andrew Mauer, Mrs. Douglas Ramsden, Mrs. Floyd <br />Ramsden, Mrs. Martin Jaemer, Mrs. Tirgil Beecher. Evening Judges; Mrs. Melen <br />Berg, Mrs. Janke Rector, Mrs. Gladys Whelan, Mrs. Pet Fanas, Mrs. David Boxrud. <br />Alternates: Mrs. Eerl ]Ceebaugh, and Mrs. Albert Iincade. <br />Meeting of the Council of Lino Lakes on November 26, 1963 <br />Members present as follows: Mayoe telling; Trustee's Backlin, Speiser, !eckenliable, <br />and Clerk Hauer. <br />Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and on a motion by Speiser, second by <br />Backlin, they be accented as read. Carried. <br />Reverend Father Schnitzius of the St. Joseph Parish gave an opening address in <br />reference to our late President lennedy. <br />Motion by Speiser, second by Heckenliable, to grant Bingo Permit to St. Joseph's <br />church for the coming year 1964. Carried. <br />Mr. Backlin, reports, the need for lights at the Yew village Hell. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, to have a light installed over the back exit <br />and to nave the furnace checked. Carried. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Yelling, th<t the Village Engineer check on the road <br />between the Joe reeemer property and the village Park. Carried. <br />Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, that Mr. Backlin, purchase un to $50.00 of <br />Calcium Chloride to mix with the sand for sanding the streets. Carried. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Motion. by Backlin, second by telling, f ^r "_r. Facklin to exchange trrck tire and eur- <br /> some tools for Village needs. Carried. <br />Mr. Heckenliable, reports that the next Planning meeting is scheduled for December 4, <br />1963, Mr. Smith did not appear. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by Felling, that Mr. Smith is to appear before the <br />Council and explain his intentions on Lot #11. Carried. <br />Mr. Heckenliable, also reports that a notice is to be published in the Legal newspaper <br />(Box Ad) until December 18, 1963, concerning the covenant on Lakeview Addition. <br />Motion by Heckenliable, second by telling, a revision to Licuor Ordinance #31 -- the <br />six months waiting period before license application can be made be dropped and instead <br />to be referred to the Council and be given a 30 day waiting period before action can <br />be taken. Carried. <br />Mr: Hoffman's retition was referred to Planning and Zoning for a hearing on December III <br />4, 1963, at 8:00 p.M• <br />Mr. Speiser, reports they have been working on the heater in Park building and a <br />