74 Motion by Heckenliable, second by Speiser, to grant new license to Robert Anderson
<br />the new owner of the Silver Top Barn. Carried.
<br />Hearing on the Trailer -Park- Locher read the affidavit. Mr. Heckenliable, leave a
<br />report on the Planning Committee, which if 100,gin favor of this. Application -
<br />Possibly there will be three (3) parties in on this Trailer Court, Mr. Henrikson
<br />informed us.
<br />Mr. Juleen questioned Mr. Xxxxikkim Heckenliable as to what measures he took in
<br />meking his decision on this. !r. Irvin Anderson gave his report in favor of this,
<br />Mr. Robinson, talked against because of the sewage problem, being there is a ditch 7
<br />in there.
<br />1
<br />Clarence Marvey, owner of land around. the Youth Treatment Center, gave the pros and
<br />cons on sewage and taxes. He said taxes were not bad, but the dewage problem could agdxala
<br />end up very expensive for Mr. Henridkson.
<br />Mr. Heckenliable, proposed a motion, is Mr. Henrickson can gaarantee all thinks
<br />suitable accordance to State Laws that the coundil should. Heckenliable, for,
<br />U kkix Speiser, against, Mr. Downing not voting.
<br />Motion by Downing, second by Heckenliable, to take all matters back to Planning
<br />Committee. Carried.
<br />Mr. Locher, read notice of the Hearing on Ordinance #40, Council passed it.
<br />Circle Lex -Post YFW - Plans to construct a meeting hall on a piece of land owned by
<br />Mrs. Iramer. Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, to adopt Ordinance #40 a All
<br />voted in favor there of.
<br />Treasurer's report given and approved.
<br />Motion by Backlin, second by Heckenliable, to dispose of an old blade for plowing
<br />as is for junk at a price of $25.90. Carried.
<br />The plwoing problems on roads on the North end of the Tillage off Highway 8. Mr.
<br />Locher, advised that the residents could get together and hire the Tillage to
<br />plow these roads at a very =xi pay.
<br />nominal
<br />Ashtrays should not be emptied aftbr the meetings, but should be left until morn-
<br />ing.
<br />Motion by Backlin, second by Downing, to put No Parking signs by the Hall doors.
<br />Carried.
<br />The Heat Houser was put on the tractor.
<br />Mr. Speiser, reports that the ceilings have been painted, kicker plates on the
<br />doors, and that Lexington has been flooding the rinks.
<br />1
<br />Three names on the Planning Commission, Bohjanen, Scherer, Jester. Two to be picked.
<br />before the December 28, 1964 meeting. Next Planning meeting will be held on December 16,
<br />16, 1964. He wishes to hve more people interested in Planning.
<br />Motion by Downing, second by Speiser, the access of $3,500.00 on Citch #3, the
<br />compromised amount is $1,750.00. Carried.
<br />Representative for Gary Houle - Lino Ladscaping - Building to house trucks, request
<br />for zoning, advised to bring plans and eic. to Planning Commission. Dec. 16, 1964.
<br />Tom Anderson, requested information on the road to his apartments, would 4th Ave.
<br />