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06/14/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/14/1965 Council Minutes
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12/30/2014 11:28:04 AM
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12/30/2014 10:38:35 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />101. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Mishaud and Mr. Kelling were present to discuss the high <br />water situation on Aqua Lane. Mr. & Mrs. Mishaud told of their flight <br />over the village and their observations, including several floodgates <br />which were closed, or partially closed. The Anoka County Ditch system <br />was discussed, and Mr. Domning gave considerable background information <br />on the topography of the areas surrounding Lino Lakes and how it affects <br />drainage into this village. <br />Mr. Mathews entered a complaint and asked the Council's help in the <br />sale of his property to the Anoka Power Company (a strip 900 ft. x 70 ft). <br />The original assessment had been made at $10,000, now because the prop- <br />erty had water standing on it, the Power Company was offering $1,000. <br />Mr. Walter Stucke, 6220 Baldwin Lake Road, entered a complaint that the <br />man owning the adjoining land was selling lots, and had run in a road <br />which was located only 6 feet from Mr. Stuck's bedroom. After consid- <br />erable discussion on this problem, Mrs. Dupre was asked to inform <br />Mr. Dupre, the Building Inspector, to get a description of the area <br />involved so the Engineer and the Council can review this complaint. <br />As a result of the above discussion, Mr. Anderson motioned, Zelinka <br />seconded, that the attorney draw up an ordinance to have the Zoning <br />Committee and the Council approve of any platting of 22 acres or more. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Bacon of the Bacon Equipment Company was introduced and described <br />the radar unit he was selling for use on police cars. The price of the <br />unit is $325.00 and Mr. Bacon agreed to let Officers Raymond and West <br />use the unit until the next Council meeting, on a test basis. <br />Mrs. Faymoville was present and asked for rezoning on a piece of prop- <br />erty to be sold to an oil company. The hearing was set for July 12, <br />and the usual procedure of posting and publication will take place. <br />This was handled by a motion from Anderson and second from Speiser. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Speiser reported that the grass needed mowing in both parks, and he <br />felt we should seriously consider resurfacing and other park needs <br />immediately. <br />Anderson reported that the Planning Commission meeting on June 2nd was <br />a study on section maps and possible roads to handle future development <br />in the village. The Planning Commission approved various portions of <br />Sections 19, 15, 16 and 17 subject to hearing, and approval of the <br />Council. Anderson also moved, with second by Domning, that maps be <br />revised showing the cloverleaf on Highway 8 and the existing roads <br />and buildings. <br />A check was received from Mr. Rosengren for $25.00 for the snowplow <br />purchased. <br />Mr. Backlin moved, second by Speiser, that our Engineer contact the <br />County Engineer to see what can be done about county ditches. Carried. <br />
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