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107 <br />#337 - Northern States Power Service 70.83 <br />338 - Circulating Pines Legal printing 40.50 <br />Minutes accepte J�xiy 26, 1965, Clerk <br />The July 26th meeting of the Lino Lakes Council was called to order at <br />8 :00 p.m. All members present. <br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected. Motion by <br />Speiser, second by Backlin, minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. <br />Mayor Domning announced that in order to fill the vacant trustee chair, <br />the Council would consider nominations from the floor as well as those <br />made by the Council members. Anyone wishing to do so, could speak in <br />his own behalf. Mr. Kelling placed the name of Al Ross for nomination, <br />and presented a petition to the Council. No other nominations were made. <br />Speiser motioned, second by Backlin, that we appoint Al Ross to the <br />Council. On the vote, Speiser, yes, Backlin yes, Zelinka no, Domning, <br />yes. This appointment will run until the next election. <br />Mr. Stuckey, Baldwin Lake Road, asked about two poles which were consid- <br />ered to be "live poles" and dangerous, and stated they had not been able <br />to get Northern States to do anything about the situation. Mr. Backlin <br />will check on this matter to either have it corrected or the electricity <br />shut off at these poles. <br />Bill Bohjanen asked about voter registration, and if the Council was con- <br />templating such action in the near future. Attorney Locher replied that <br />he had already given a report to Erving Anderson on the procedure invol- <br />ved, probable costs etc. Zelinka moved that we proceed with setting up <br />the procedure for voter registration. Speiser seconded, motion carried. <br />The hearing for Virgil Anderson for a special use permit was continued <br />at this time from the previous meeting. Domning had received from the <br />Planning Commission a recommendation that we grant a special use permit <br />to build a garage as requested. Motion by Backlin, second by Speiser, <br />we grant the permit, fee to be y$'25.00. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Ralph Lawleier, 24th Avenue, asked about a culvert he had ordered, <br />which he had been informed he must pay for, and which charge he wished <br />to protest. He asked Attorney Locher to check Section 160.18 concerning <br />this charge, and advise his findings at the next meeting. <br />The amendment to Ordinance 1 concerning personal liability insurance <br />coverage for special events held in the village was discussed. (This in- <br />volves issuing a special permit to sell beer). Following this discussion <br />Backlin moved, second by Zelinka, that we add the words "suitable proof of <br />financial responsibility other than the minimum of 25/50,000" and adopt <br />Ordinance 1 -A. Motion carried. The Council also set the fee for each <br />permit issued at $1.00. <br />