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08/23/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/23/1965 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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116 <br />Minu tes accept <br />Clerk <br />(e_ 71, <br />gust 23, 1965 <br />The August 23rd meeting of the Lino Lakes Council was called to order <br />at 8:00p.m. All members present. <br />Mr. Handy from the VFW requested a 3.2 license for September 12th. <br />Motion by Ross was that we issue the permit as requested. Second by <br />Speiser, carried. <br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and correction was made on <br />description of road work being done. Ross moved we accept the minutes <br />as corrected, second by Speiser, carried. <br />Domning moved that we proceed with the printing of the ordinances, with <br />the work to be done by the Clerk and Mrs. Juleen assisting. Second by <br />Backlin, carried. <br />Treasurer's report was read, and accepted as read. <br />Mr. Backlin reported two phone calls from Mr. Small and Mr. Halstead con- <br />cerning the dust problum created on E. Holly. Mr. Rehbein, owner of the <br />trucks creating the dust, has been contacted and told to put chloride on <br />the roads. Backlin motioned to have our attorney contact Mr. LaForge, <br />Superintendent of the Freeway road work, and find out if controlling the <br />dust is part of their contract. Motion seconded by Ross, carried. If <br />this is part of the contractor's obligation, then any expense on the part <br />of the village to correct this situation should be repaid to the village. <br />Backlin also motioned that we grade East Holly, distance 7/10's of a mile <br />at a cost of approximately $500. Second by Ross, motion carried. <br />It was also moved and seconded to have the engineer stake out 77th. <br />Motion carried. <br />Speiser moved that we authorize the engineer to oontact at least two <br />contractors for informal estimates on the blacktopping of the park. <br />Second by Backlin, carried. <br />The Clerk is to contact Mrs. Hipple and get a report on the rummage sale <br />held in the park. <br />Ross reported on the Planning Meeting held the previous 'lednesday, and <br />recommended that Arnold Kelling be appointed full member to the Board, <br />with Ross acting in a liason capacity. Speiser seconded. Motion carried. <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission are making a study of the east end of <br />the village for a possible industrial park area. <br />Voter registration was again discussed, and it was agreed there is not <br />sufficient time to complete this for the 1965 election. Motion by Ross, <br />second by Speiser, was that we put Plan A on the ballot for this year. <br />Either under Plan A, if adopted, or through other means, voter registra- <br />
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